
Stem Cell Treatment for Traumatic Brain Injury

Stem cell treatment shows perfect effect for some central neural system injury diseases. It’s regarded as the potential cure for traumatic brain injury. Now I will tell you what symptoms of traumatic brain injury can get better effect by stem cell treatment.
I. Motor dysfunction
Motor dysfunction, especially hemiplegia or pamplegia caused by traumatic brain injury. Most traumatic brain injury may lead to motor dysfunction of human body, and the manifestation include: stiffness and spasm in the affected side of body, restricted movements of limbs, disability to walk, stand by themselves, difficulty in standing up from squatting posture, poor function to hold something and do some fine work with hands. Many of them lose part of complete self-care ability. People think the stem cell treatment is the potential cure for traumatic brain injury, just because it has remarkable effect, especially for motor dysfunction caused by traumatic brain injury.
II. Syndrome after traumatic brain injury
There is a great diversity of clinical manifestations for syndrome after traumatic brain injury, among which, headache, dizziness and autonomic nervous disorder dominates. The symptoms include poor sleeping quality, prone to feel tired, decreased memory and attention, as well as fluster, hidrosis and decreased sexual function.
III. Intellectual damage
Dysgnosia may occur in most patients with traumatic brain injury. These symptoms include decreased comprehensive ability and logical capability, loss of abstract thinking, and confusion. Usually, patient can’t understand what other people says, can’t tell the difference of good or bad, have poor memory, don’t know how use daily supplies.

Stem cell treatment is quite effective for the above 3 conditions caused by traumatic brain injury, therefore it’s called the potential cure for traumatic brain injury. In stem cell center, we have treated more than 441 patients with traumatic brain injury, and the total effective rate reaches 80.2%. As stem cell treatment is known and accepted, more and more people with traumatic brain injury benefit from it.


Miraculous Improvements in the Stem Cell Treatment for Spinal Cord Injury

Dr. Yi-Hua Wang's Treating Spinal Cord Injury
In stem cell center, we always see some miraculous improvements in the stem cell treatment for spinal cord injury. Therefore It’s thought to be the best treatment for spinal cord injury.
Patient record
Name Kui-Long Wang
Age 43
Gender man
Description: Wang’s thoracic vertebra was badly damaged because of falling down from high place 18 years ago. He was diagnosed as T-12 fracture and spinal cord injury in this section by local hospital and received a surgery. After the surgery, Wang left sense and motor disturbance in both legs and urinary and fecal hypofunction. What was worse, bedsore occurred in his heel, toe and sacrococcygeal region because of long-term motor disturbance. In the following years, Wang has received 8 surgeries successively but little is improved. Osteomyelitis occurs accompanied with the spinal cord injury.
In March, 31st, 2013, Wang came to our center. According to his condition, we designed lumbar puncture treatment of stem cell twice and muscle injection of stem cell in both legs once. And patient is improved well and can lead a better life quality by himself. Wang and his family always say stem cell treatment is the best treatment for spinal cord injury they have ever seen.
Prior treatment
1. Muscle force of both legs decreased, which caused patient disable to stand and walk by himself.
2. Patient can’t look after himself on his own, so his family should be with him all the time.
3. Poor blood circulation in the end of both legs and gloomy skin.
4. Sense plane remains in the level of hip joint
5. Bedsore occurred in his heel, toe and sacrococcygeal region, and can’t be healed for a long time, painful and poor sleeping quality.
In August, 2013, Wang decided to receive the second course stem cell treatment when he benefited from the miraculous effect of stem cell treatment for spinal cord injury.
Post treatment
1. Muscle force of both legs increased, which supported him to stand for a while with a single leg and walk for long distance. Patient is able to climb staircase by himself.
2. Patient can take good care of himself due to more flexible limbs
3. blood circulation in the end of both legs is improved and skin color returned normal
4. Sense plane moved down to knee joints level
5. Bedsore in his heel, toe and sacrococcygeal region is healed and pain disappeared

Up to now, the stem cell treatment for spinal cord injury shows no side effect at all in the past 10 years’ clinical practices. It’s regarded as the best treatment for spinal cord injury.


Daily Nursing for Patients with Spinal Cord Injury

TCM Rehabilitation Center 
Although stem cell treatment for spinal cord injury shows good effects in clinical practices, I’d like to share some tips for daily nursing for patients with spinal cord injury who need scientific and conscientious nursing.
1. psychological nursing
Encourage patients to overcome the disease and keep optimistic, which is helpful for their recovery.
2. skin nursing
Turn over the patient body every 2 hours, keeping the skin dry and clean; patients with cervical vertebra injury or long-term bed-ridden patients need to be turned over with their whole bodies, in case of turning their heads.
3. urinary system nursing
Remain indwelling catheter to keep urinary tract clear.
4. defecation system nursing
Keep the habit of defecating at the same time everyday and the frequency of defecating once every 1 to 2 days. Clean timely the faeces if patients are unable to control their defecating function, in case of pressure sores.
5. digestive system nursing
Keep a regular and healthy diet, especially free of drinking ice beer, which is important in daily nursing for patients with spinal cord injury.
6. autonomic nerve function
Patients with cervical vertebra injury and its sequela quadriplegic may have autonomic nerve hyperreflexia, with the symptoms of headache, excessive perspiration, out of breath, erubescence, tachycardia or bradycardia, and raised blood pressure.
i. Find out and eliminate the incentives: check whether the bladder is full, catheter is clear, local infection occurs or uncomfortable orthosis and then solve all the problems.
ii. Sit straight to decrease cardiac output by assembling venous blood in the lower body
iii. Reduce blood press, or go to hospital if necessary. This is an important principle in daily nursing for patients with spinal cord injury.
7. motor function nursing
Exercise the joints of patients, especially below the paralyzed place twice everyday, and last 1 to 2 minutes each time.
8. diet nutrition nursing
Keep a balanced and nutrient diet. Take more vegetables, vitamin C, polyphenols, folic acid, carotene, which are helpful to skin protection.
Usually, after stem cell treatment for spinal cord injury, we will arrange patients to receive a TCM rehabilitation and regulation, which will be helpful to recover their motor function. In our TCM Rehabilitation Center, patients will receive overall traditional Chinese medical regulation and function training, which promotes the effect of stem cell treatment and balance of human body. Anyway our TCM Rehabilitation Center will provide a more professional daily nursing for patients with spinal cord injury.

Through the A+B mode of our stem cell center, patients can not only receive an effective stem cell treatment for spinal cord injury, but also get a systemic regulation of their bodies, which promises a perfect prognosis for patients with spinal cord injury.


New Treatment for Alcoholic Cirrhosis: Stem Cell Treatment

In recent years, alcoholic cirrhosis has been markedly increased as the second big killer as liver diseases. Stem cell treatment for alcoholic cirrhosis turns out more effective than traditional treatments.
Alcoholic cirrhosis, as a type of portal cirrhosis, is caused by heavy drinking of wine for a long time, which is the last stage of alcoholic liver diseases.
Long-term and heavy drinking of wine, especial high degree wine, may cause fatty degeneration, necrosis and reborn, which finally lead to cirrhosis. Alcoholic cirrhosis is closely associated with drinking ways, gender, heredity factor, nutriture and hepatitis virus infection.
Usually, heavy drinking for one time is more harmful than drinking little once but for many times. Women are more prone to get cirrhosis than man. Malnutrition, protein deficiency and merge of hepatitis B & C virus are risky factors to increase the chance of cirrhosis. Alcoholic liver disease has 3 step based on severity: alcoholic fatty liver, alcoholic hepatitis and alcoholic cirrhosis. Sometimes, they may occur at the same time. Generally speaking, 80 gram wine intaking per day for 10 years can lead to alcoholic cirrhosis.
The traditional treatment can’t prevent the progression of alcoholic cirrhosis, and have an expensive cost and long duration, which makes patients and their families suffer a lot.
Now, General Hospital of Armed Police Forces, China applies stem cell treatment for alcoholic cirrhosis, which achieves good success. In the below, I will introduce the curative effect through comparison of alcoholic cirrhosis patients before and after stem cell treatment.
Patient name: Chang
Description of disease: drinking wine for 30 years, 500-1000 ml/d. Chang started diarrhea without any inducement in December, 2012, 2 to 3 times/d, loose stools, lacking in strength sometimes, abdominal distension. B ultrasonic and reinforced CT shows that cirrhosis, slightly bigger spleen, ascites. Then patient received abdominocentesis to drain the ascites for many times, and it relieved and relapsed.
Through expert consultation, a stem cell treatment is decided to carry out.
Before the first stem cell treatment course:
1. Gloomy complexion, tired and lack of strength, poor appetite and sleeping
2. indwelling drainage tube, which lets out ascites about 1000 mg
3. Blood routine examination: albumin 34.6 g/L (normal value 35-55), TBPA 0.12g/L (normal value 0.20-0.40)
In July, 2013, patient received the second course for stem cell treatment.
Before the second stem cell treatment course:
1. flushing complexion, tiredness and lack of strength disappeared, good appetite, gain weight 5 kilogram, good sleeping quality
2. indwelling drainage tube is removed
3. Blood routine examination: albumin 36.2 g/L (normal value 35-55), TBPA 0.19g/L (normal value 0.20-0.40)

Clinical practices prove that stem cell treatment for alcoholic cirrhosis can effectively inhibit the progression of alcoholic cirrhosis, which is thought to be the potential cure for alcoholic cirrhosis.

Stem Cell Treatment to Cure 11 months Vietnamese baby with cerebral palsy

11 months Vietnamese baby with cerebral palsy
With brilliant curative effect, stem cell treatment for cerebral palsy of stem cell center turns out a potential cure for cerebral palsy.
Recently, a special patient comes to our center, who is a Vietnamese baby. The boy is only 11 months, but suffering from cerebral palsy since the first day he came to the world.
This is a lovely boy, so we all call him lovely. Lovely is unfortunate, because he was diagnosed as cerebral palsy when he was 6 months, and the MRI of Vietnam Children’s Hospital showed he has Alba Degeneration because of deficiency of oxygen when he was born.. Since that day, his parents took every potential opportunity to find the cure for him, but there was little effect. One time, they heard that stem cell treatment for cerebral palsy in General Hospital of Armed Police Forces, China turns out good effects, so they decided to try.
In October, 2013, through a series of preparation and consultation, lovely and his mother came to our center and receive stem cell treatment. In the beginning, lovely showed severe symptoms that he can’t raise his head and sit well let alone stand or craw because there is no strength in the cervical vertebra and lumbar vertebra, and he had low intelligence level than normal baby, besides, he had poor response to voice. Dr. An Yi-Hua carefully checked his condition and made a specific treatment program of for him. In the following day, lovely will receive lumbar puncture of stem cell for 4 times, and each treatment has 3 to 4 day interval. After stem cell treatment for cerebral palsy for 3 times, some miraculous improvements occur. Love’s cervical vertebra and lumbar vertebra strength has apparently increased and he can raise and support his head to look for something curious for him and sit well on the bed to play with toys, which are great progress that never happened before. His mother is so happy and tells everyone of her family this good news. And she wonders when to make the second course of stem cell treatment for cerebral palsy. Dr. An Yi-Hua explained to her that half an year later, the next course can be administered, lovely’s mother promised to come back again for a further treatment.
Actually, lovely is just one case from Vietnam. Up to now, there are more than 60 Vietnamese who came to our center and received stem cell treatment. Among them, cerebral palsy and traumatic brain injury patents dominate. Many of them have received and made appointments for next course of stem cell treatment.