
My 15 Years’ Ulcerative Colitis is Improved by Stem Cell Treatment

Patient name: Chen
Gender: male
Age: 43
Diagnosis: ulcerative colitis, gastrointestinal dysfunction, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Liver fluke sequelae.

Mr. Chen went to Cells Center China in April, 21st, 2013, because of alternate diarrhea and constipation for 15 years’ disease history. In order to find the potential cure for ulcerative colitis, he has been in many hospitals all over the country in the past 15 years , but few effects have been achieved. At last, he came to Cells Center China for the potential cure for ulcerative colitis --- stem cell treatment.
Before his first stem cell treatment, his condition include:
1. Persistent diarrhea, 3 to 10 times per day, accompanied with intermittent constipation.
2. Severe malnutrition and loss of weight caused by stool not forming and unable to absorb nutrients in the gut.
3. Gastrointestinal peristalsis reduces, which caused indigestion. Obvious flatulence occurs, especially severe at night, which leaded to severe shortage of sleep.
4. Liver area is painful obviously, which profoundly affects his life quality.
5. Low immunity makes him prone to being affected with diseases.

Our experts in Cells Center China performed Intravenous Infusion and Vascular Intervention Infusion of stem cells in the first course of stem cell treatment. Stem cell treatment turns out the potential cure for ulcerative colitis. His improvement after the first course of stem cell treatment include:
1. Diarrhea is improved and now is 1 to 2 times per day.
2. His stool is formed, and have better appetite and increased body weight due to better gastrointestinal absorption function.
3. Flatulence and sleeping quality are improved obviously.
4. the pain in liver area is improved, which allows him work well.
5. His immunity is improved significantly.

Seeing these remarkable improvements, Mr. Chen believed stem cell treatment is the potential cure for ulcerative colitis. In November, 2nd, 2013, he decided to receive the second course of stem cell treatment, and he got better improvements, including:
1. Diarrhea is significantly improved and his stool is formed.
2. His gastrointestinal peristalsis increases, which helps digest food in the intestines.
3. His gastrointestinal function is improved significantly, which promotes the effects of some medicines. Most medicines failed working before the stem cell injection.
4. His gastrointestinal function remains almost normal when he keep away from stimulus food, such as tea, wine and coffee.
5. The sprit status is good and life quality is significantly improved.
If you have the similar symptoms with Mr. Chen, we’d like to advise you to receive stem cell treatment ---- the potential cure for ulcerative colitis, send me E-mail at stemcellprc@gmail.com.


What are the severe complications of Parkinson’s disease?

Is Parkinson's disease fatal? Actually, it's not. However, it may affect the life expectancy through severe complications. What are the severe complications of Parkinson's disease? Let's talk about it.
Swallowing Difficulty
Swallowing difficulty will sometimes cause less life expectancy. Movement dysfunction of the muscles in the throat not only result in chewing and swallowing difficulty, which leads to malnutrition, but also increase the risk of aspiration pneumonia.
Sleep Disorder
What are the severe complications of Parkinson's disease? Excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS), insomnia, and other sleep disorders are common in PD. These symptoms may be caused by PD or the drugs that are used to manage PD. Bladder problems can also contribute to sleep disorders. Many patients also suffer from nighttime leg cramps and restless legs syndrome. Some drugs used for PD may cause vivid dreams and waking hallucinations.
Bowel and Bladder Complications
What are the severe complications of Parkinson's disease? Constipation is a common complication of Parkinson's disease. It is often caused by muscle weakness that can slow down the action of the digestive system. Weakness in pelvic floor muscles can also make it difficult to defecate.
Patients with Parkinson's disease frequently experience urinary incontinence, including increased urge and frequency. Parkinson's can also cause urinary retention (incomplete emptying of the bladder).
Emotional Complications
What are the severe complications of Parkinson's disease?
1. PD itself can cause changes of chemicals in the brain that affect mood and well-being. Depression is one of the most common complications in patients with Parkinson's disease. These emotional complications can interfere daily life significantly without extra help.
2. Some drugs (levodopa combined with a dopamine agonist) can cause compulsive behavior, such as gambling, shopping, and increased sexuality.
3. Deep brain stimulation (DBS) surgery may also increase the risk for compulsive gambling in patients who were addicted to gambling.
The Best Treatment for Parkinson's Disease
What are the severe complications of Parkinson's disease? What's the best treatment for severe complications of Parkinson's disease? Stem cell treatment turns out the most advanced and effective treatment for these conditions. Cell regeneration is thought to be the most state-of-the-art and promising treatment for central neural system damage. Stem cells can automatically differentiate into new functional cells and self-renew, and the new cells in the brain can repair and replace these injured cells, which will improve the motor dysfunction caused by Parkinson's disease.
What are the severe complications of Parkinson's disease? If you want more details about stem cell treatment for Parkinson's disease, please email us at stemcellprc@gmail.com.

The Side Effects of Levodopa in Treatment for Parkinson's Disease

Levodopa, or L-dopa, is the most commonly prescribed and most effective drug for managing Parkinson's disease. What’s the side effects of Levodopa in treatment for Parkinson's disease? It’s necessary for us to talk about it now.
As we have known, parkinson’s disease is caused by the degeneration of dopamine-generating neurons in the brain. Levodopa can be transported to the nerve cells in the brain that produce dopamine. It is then converted into dopamine for the nerve cells to use as a neurotransmitter.
What’s The Side Effects of Levodopa in Treatment for Parkinson's Disease?
Although Levodopa turns out most effective for Parkinson's disease, especially for bradykinesia and rigidity, it may lead to some potential side effects in a long time use, including involuntary movements (dyskinesia), restlessness, confusion, or abnormal movements.
Other side effects associated with Levodopa include nausea and vomiting, hallucinations, paranoia, compulsive behaviour and drowsiness.
How to Manage The Side Effects of Levodopa in Treatment for Parkinson's Disease?
Doctors may change the dose or timing of Levodopa to avoid the side effects, however, no matter Levodopa and alternative drugs like the dopamine agonists, can’t prevent Parkinson's Disease from getting worse.
The Best Treatment for Parkinson's Disease
Considering the side effects of Levodopa in treatment for Parkinson's disease, we advise people with Parkinson's to receive stem cell treatment. Stem cell treatment, as the best cell regenerating treatment, draws more and more attention. Stem cells can self-renew and differentiate into various functional cells, such as nerve cells, which will be automatically repair and replace these impaired and necrotic cells in the brain caused by Parkinson's.
The stem cells can regenerate new dopamine-producing cells and generate growth factors to promote the repairing of cells and improve the natural secretion of dopamine. With the improvement of dopamine-producing ability, the patients can reduce the bradykinesia and rigidity.
Cells Center China, as the first stem cell center in the world who combines laboratory research and clinical application, has helped thousands of patients with Parkinson's.
For more information about the side effects of Levodopa in treatment for Parkinson's disease and stem cell treatment of Cells Center China, you can email us to stemcellprc@gmail.com.


The Best Treatment for Leg Pain and Spasms in Children with Cerebral Palsy

Muscle pain and spasms, particularly in the legs, are two of the most common symptoms of cerebral palsy. What’s the best treatment for leg pain and spasms in children with Cerebral Palsy? Now we are gonna talk about it.
Dealing with chronic leg pain in infants and children can be particularly frustrating for parents. Often these pains arise at night, when parents are already exhausted, and children in pain are more difficult to comfort. The combination can turn a difficult situation into a nightmare, as many a parenting message board can attest.
Conventional therapies for leg pain and spasms caused by CP
Is conventional therapy the best treatment for leg pain and spasms in children with Cerebral Palsy? Medications, physical therapies and surgeries may be the most common option to manage the leg pain in Children with Cerebral Palsy.
1. The medication for children with leg pain caused by CP will vary with age, weight and the severity of pain, so you need to consult your doctor to find the most appropriate medication. Usually, Anti-inflammatories, such as ibuprofen, Tylenol, in the proper dose are commonly prescribed. Baclofen is a muscle relaxer often used to treat muscle spasms, cramping and tightness of muscles in children with cerebral palsy. BOTOX is the most commonly used medication for spasms caused by CP. BOTOX injection can be performed in the calf or hamstring muscles to alleviate localized spasms and cramping.
2. Physical therapies including massage, warm compress and warm bath, can supply the best relaxation and pain relief in the certain places.
3. Muscle release surgery and Selective posterior rhizotomy can relieve the tightness and pain in the legs.
However, conventional therapies can’t be the best treatment for leg pain and spasms in children with Cerebral Palsy, because they can’t cure the muscle pain and spasms fundamentally.
Stem cell treatment for muscle pain and spasms caused by CP
Stem cells can differentiate into new neural cells to repair these specific impaired brain areas, which control the corresponding muscle. This will significantly improve the muscle pain and spasms caused by CP and motor dysfunction. Therefore it’s thought to be the best therapy for spastic cerebral palsy. Stem cell treatment turns out the best treatment for leg pain and spasms in children with Cerebral Palsy.
Want more about stem cell treatment, please email us at stemcellprc@gmail.com. We’d like to give you best suggestions on symptoms caused by cerebral palsy. 


The III Clinicl Trial for Stem Cell Treatment for Spinal Cord Injury Has Been Applied and Successfully Approved by FDA for The First Time in The World

Cells Center China has successfully accomplished the second trial for stem cell treatment for spinal cord injury, and started the third clinicl trial for stem cell treatment for spinal cord injury with the approval FDA (Food and Drug Administration) of US, which marks that Cells Center China has the international leading level in stem cell treatment for spinal cord injury.
Risks for SCI
The spinal cord injury (SCI) refers to any injury to the spinal cord that is caused by trauma, such as accident, which will lead to a range of symptoms in the corresponding section of the spinal cord, such as motor dysfunction, sense dysfunction, myodystony, and changes in pathological reflex. SCI usually affects people below 30 years old, and makes them lie on bed for a long time, which increases the risk for many complications. SCI may significantly affect the health and life quality of patients, and usually the survival rate of traumatic SCI is lowered 30% than natural population.
Why choose Cells Center China
In 2000, PhD. An Yi-Hua and his expert team started basic research on stem cell with the support and help of Wang Zhong-cheng, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering and headquarters of armed police forces.
In 2003, PhD. An Yi-Hua and his expert team successfully accomplished the first trial on stem cell treatment for of quadrumana’ cerebral hemorrhage sequelae in the world, and creatively build up the standard operation procedure (SOP) for cells cultivating, filtering, induced differentiation in laboratory.
In 2004, Cells Center China was established in Beijing, China, which is the first in the world, and experienced in the combination of the stem cell research and treatment for spinal cord injury. Up to now, more than 2,000 patients with SCI were benefited from stem cell treatment and 30 patients were under treatment in bed.
The Latest Breakthrough in Stem Cell Treatment for Spinal Cord Injury
The scientific and standardized research management turn out important as stem cell treatment for spinal cord injury was be applied in clinic from a basic research. In 2010, with the most strict regulation on clinical trial of WHO and FDA, Cells Center China submitted the relevant clinical trial programs on stem cell treatment for central neural damage to committee of experts of the first class registration platform of China and FDA of US.
Besides, Cells Center China made international standard management for clinical trial programs of human body for the first time in China, and came up with in international community the specificity of Chinese patients on performing stem cell treatment.
Up to now, Cells Center China has started as scheduled 20 clinical trials approved by WHO, and 6 clinical trials approved by FDA, and accomplished successfully 11 clinical trials on stem cell treatment for cerebral palsy and spinal cord injury in its the first and second stages.
The third clinical trial of stem cell treatment for spinal cord injury which is submitted in 2012, has been approved. And the third clinical trial of stem cell treatment for cerebral palsy, traumatic brain injury sequelae, Cerebral hemorrhage sequelae, and sequel of cerebral infarction will be accomplished in succession.

Want more about stem cell treatment for spinal cord injury, please email us at stemcellprc@gmail.com


How to improve High Muscle Tension caused by Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral palsy, abbreviated as CP, is a neural disorder that affects muscle tone, movement, and motor skills (the ability to move in a coordinated and purposeful way). How to improve  High Muscle Tension caused by Cerebral Palsy?
It may be the most concern of many parents whose children are suffering from cerebral palsy, especially spastic cerebral palsy. Now let’s talk about it and find out the answer.
CP is usually caused by undeveloped brain or brain damage before and during the birth of children, or during the first 3 to 5 years of a child's life. The part of the brain that is damaged is the determining factor on how the condition affects the patient.
Disadvantage of  High Muscle Tension
How to improve  High Muscle Tension caused by Cerebral Palsy? Most children with CP will suffer from  high muscle tension, which makes them difficult in standing, walking, running  squatting  and holding things by hands, depending on the severity of the  high muscle tension. Children’ life qualities will be affected greatly. Children have to take orthosis or walk with the help of crutch.
Besides, children’s movement function and psychological development will be also affected profoundly. The long-term deformity of muscle may let children lose ability to move normally and even have muscle atrophy due to disuse.
How to improve  High Muscle Tension caused by Cerebral Palsy?
Conventional therapies for high muscle tension include medicine therapy, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and surgery, such as achilles tendon lengthening and ankle foot orthosis etc. However, these therapies can only relieve the symptoms from surface rather than cure the rooted problem of the neural system in the brain.
Stem cell treatment turns out the most effective and safe therapy for high muscle tension caused by Cerebral Palsy. Stem cells can differentiate into new neural cells in the brain and repair and replace these impaired and necrotic neural cells, which will restore the neural circuit and improve the movement function. Modern medicine thinks that cell regeneration is the best way to treat cerebral palsy and the  high muscle tension.
How to improve High Muscle Tension caused by Cerebral Palsy? Stem cell treatment is the best choice for you. want more information about stem cell treatment, email us at stemcellprc@gmail.com


What Kind of Diet is Good for Liver Cirrhosis

Liver cirrhosis occurs when impaired liver cells are replaced with scarring tissue. Too much scarring prevents blood from flowing normally through the liver. What kind of diet is good for liver cirrhosis?
An overview on diet for people with liver cirrhosis
A balanced and healthy diet for people with liver cirrhosis will be greatly improve the symptoms of the condition. The best cirrhosis diet is a heart-healthy diet -- or one that is low in fats and high in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. It is also important that people with liver cirrhosis maintain a healthy weight. But there are a couple of other diet changes unique to people with cirrhosis. A few of these changes include:
· Limiting salt
· Eating more calories and protein
· Eliminating alcohol.
What kind of diet is good for liver cirrhosis? If cirrhosis is severe or advanced, it may be difficult to get all the nutrition you need from whole food sources alone. In these cases, you may want to supplement your diet with vitamins, minerals and pre-digested protein or fat compounds that are available at health food stores.
The potential cure for liver cirrhosis
What kind of diet is good for liver cirrhosis? Anyway, healthy diet can’t cure the disease. The stem cell treatment is the most effective and safe treatment for liver cirrhosis currently. Stem cells can differentiate automatically into liver cells and repair and replace these injured and necrotic liver cells, which will restore the liver function and significantly improve the symptoms of liver cirrhosis.
Cells Center China is the best stem cell research and treatment center. With the remarkable effect in the past 10 years’ clinical practice, Cells Center China has helped many people with severe liver diseases get rid of sufferings and live better life. The indicatiors of liver cirrhosis are improved significantly after the stem cell treatment.
Want more about what kind of diet is good for liver cirrhosis, stem cell treatment and Cells Center China, please email us at stemcellprc@gmail.com.


What Type of Cerebral Palsy are You Suffering from

Cerebral Palsy is a set of neurological conditions that lead to motor dysfunction and postural tone caused by brain lesions. Do you know what types of Cerebral Palsy are you suffering from among its mainly 5 types of Cerebral Palsy? Let’s learn about it.
The Main Types of Cerebral Palsy include
I. Spastic Cerebral Palsy
Spastic Cerebral Palsy is the most common and typical Cerebral Palsy, which is usually caused by premature or neonatal asphyxia. Spasticity is a form of hypertonia, or increased muscle tone. People with Spastic Cerebral Palsy is characteristic with increased muscle tone. Spastic paraplegia or quadriplegia is common symptoms, which makes patients difficult in walking and standing. They may suffer from walking tip toe or cross walking with their knee joints and hip joint bent. Some are also have speech problem and lower intelligence level.
II. Dyskinetic Cerebral Palsy
What types of Cerebral Palsy are you suffering from? Involuntary motor is the main feature of Dyskinetic Cerebral Palsy. Patients suffer from dancing-like movements in their faces, tongues, lips, heads, necks, fingers, and bodies, especially in upper limbs. Dyskinetic cerebral palsy can be separated further into two different groups: athetoid and dystonic.
1. Athetoid cerebral palsy includes cases with involuntary movement, especially in the arms, legs, and hands.
2. Dystonia/Dystonic cerebral palsy encompasses cases that affect the trunk muscles more than the limbs and results in fixed, twisted posture.
III. Ataxia Cerebral Palsy
What Type of Cerebral Palsy are You Suffering from? It’s a rare type of Cerebral Palsy. The clinical manifestations include decreased muscular tone, cerebellar ataxia, volitional tremor dysarthria, and motor mental retardation.
IV. Hypotonic type
What types of Cerebral Palsy are you suffering from? Decreased muscular tone is the main symptom of this type and children are the most commonly affected. People affected may be disabilit in walking and standing alone. They lose ability to hold their heads and necks, and also suffer from dyskinesia. Speech function loss and lower intelligence may also occur.
V. Mixed type
A child’s impairments can fall into both categories, spastic and non-spastic, referred to as mixed cerebral palsy. The most common is the combination of Spastic Cerebral Palsy and Athetoid Cerebral Palsy.

What types of Cerebral Palsy are you suffering from? Hope you have known your condition through the passage, and if you want to find the potential cure for Cerebral Palsy, email us at stemcellprc@gmail.com, Cells Center Center helps you get rid of the suffering from cerebral palsy.