
The Clinical Status of Stem Cell Treatment for Spinal Cord Injury Sequelae

Here is the clinical status of Stem Cell Treatment for Spinal Cord Injury Sequelae in Cells Center China. which turns out most effective and safe for Spinal Cord Injury Sequelae in modern medicine currently. May people with Spinal Cord Injury Sequelae and their families benefit from it.
Briefings of Stem Cell Treatment for Spinal Cord Injury Sequelae in Cells Center China
Up to June, 2013, totally 1,508 patients of spinal cord injury sequelae have been treated in Cells Center China. Among these, 713 cases are cervical cord injury patients, 562 cases are thoracic cord (excluding T12~L1) injury patients, 51 cases are cervical- thoracic cord injury patients and 182 cases are thoracic-lumbar cord (mainly are T12 ~ L1) injury patients.
Based on the patients’ condition, doctors respectively performed CT-guided invasive treatment in 2006 and endovascular intervention treatment and 2011 for patients of spinal cord injury sequelae, , which has apparently improved the treatment effect.
Improvement Rate of of Stem Cell Treatment for Spinal Cord Injury Sequelae
Since the end of 2011 to July of 2013, the improvement rate of patients with sequelae of cervical cord injury is 91.9%; the improvement rate of sequelae of thoracic cord injury (excluding T12-L1) is 82.4%; the improvement rate of sequelae of thoracic and lumbar cord injury (mainly T12-L1) is 70.3%. The total improvement rate of sequelae of spinal cord injury after Stem Cell Treatment is 87.4%. The number of patients and improvement rate is still increasing in our hospital.
Main Improvements of of Stem Cell Treatment for Spinal Cord Injury Sequelae
1) the muscle strength below the injury level is increased, and the motor dysfunction of limbs become better than before.
2) The sensory level moves down and skin temperature comes back to almost normal.
3) The postural hypotension caused by vegetative nerve function damage (especially for high cervical spinal cord injury patients) and the perspiration function are improved to varying degrees, and the body temperature adjustment recovers to normal or almost normal.
4) Improvements in defecation and urinate disorder caused by sphincter disturbances. Patients have better sensation and control ability when they urinate.
5) the increased muscular tone is improved.
Summary of Stem Cell Treatment for Spinal Cord Injury Sequelae
Among all the patients with sequelae of SCI in Cells Center China, the youngest is 2 years old, and the oldest is 56 years old. The injury duration of patients ranges from 3 months to 15 years.
According to our clinical experience, stem cell treatment still proves effective for patients with years of injury history. But we strongly advise people with sequelae of SCI come for stem cell treatment as early as possible once their condition and vital signs become stable, which promise a better prognosis.

If you want to learn more about Stem Cell Treatment for Spinal Cord Injury Sequelae, email us at stemcellprc@gmail.com.


The Best Treatment for MSA

What's MSA
Multiple system atrophy (MSA) is a rare degenerative disease that cause progressive neural system atrophy in many parts of human body. What’s the best treatment for MSA? Let’s talk about it and figure it out.
Multiple system atrophy develops in adulthood, usually in the 50s or 60s, and affects more men than women. The condition impairs the involuntary (autonomic) functions of human body, such as blood pressure, heart rate, bladder function and digestion. It may progress gradually and eventually lead to death due to organs failure.
What's the best treatment for MSA
As we have known, MSA is caused by cell loss and degeneration in certain areas of the brain and the spinal cord, leading to a variety of symptoms affecting especially the functions of the autonomic nervous system and the motor system. Stem cell treatment is proved the best best treatment for MSA.
Maybe the medical term "stem cells"sounds a little strange to and far from many people's lives. Actually, our Cells Center China has engaged in stem cell research and treatment for 10 years, which is one of the earliest in this field. According to our 10 years' experience, stem cell treatment is the best treatment for MSA currently in modern medicine. Cells Center China is the first and top stem cell research and treatment center in the world. Then what’s and how effective stem cell treatment for MSA? Let me explain.
Why stem cell treatment is effective for MSA
Stem cell treatment, as a great breakthrough of regeneration medicine, proves very effective for MSA and many other central neural injury and neurodegenerative diseases. Stem cells are a group of undifferentiated cells and can differentiate into new neural cells to repair the lost and degenerated cells in specific areas of the brain and the spinal cord, which helps recover the affected systems function and prevent the progression. Therefore, stem cell treatment is thought to be the best treatment for MSA.

If you want to learn more detailed information about stem cell treatment for MSA in Cells Center China, please email us at stemcellprc@gmail.com


Pediatric Rehabilitation in Children with Cerebral Palsy

Parents of CP children may choose rehabilitation to help their children to liver independently. How to achieve the best effect in pediatric rehabilitation in children with Cerebral Palsy? Let's talk about it.
Children with Cerebral Palsy may suffer from spastic paralysis or other kinds of disturbed body movement and coordination. In addition to this, they may also have vision, hearing and speech difficulties and various degrees of mental retardation. Rehabilitation focus on improving their motor dysfunction and increase the adopting ability to the society. Is rehabilitation effective for children's cerebral palsy? In this process, some rules should be followed.
Rules for Pediatric Rehabilitation in Children with Cerebral Palsy
1. All actions of children come from the command of the brain, so only improvements of the neural damages in the brain can make these children cured. This is NO.1 rule in pediatric rehabilitation in children with Cerebral Palsy.
2. Doctors should treat each child as a specific body with specific condition and need.
3. Children should act as one unit of function.
4. The children should be active partners in the treatment process. Doctors provide guidance and teach them functions that are integral to their daily lives.
4. Once these processes inside children with CP occur normally, their brain can be stimulated through verbal and motor guidance. Therefore, we pay more attention to communication and repetition when we are working with children.
5. Doctors should teach the affected children a kind of lifestyle with the functions learned in the rehabilitation center, so parents are advised to continue the guidance after their children leave the rehabilitation center. This is very important in pediatric rehabilitation in children with Cerebral Palsy.
6. Parents and caregivers should to create an environment where children can function independently or with guidance.
The above are some advice and rules in pediatric rehabilitation in children with Cerebral Palsy.
However, pediatric rehabilitation in children with Cerebral Palsy is not the eventual cure for CP children, because it can't repair the inner neural injury caused by cp.
What's the best treatment for children's Cerebral Palsy?
Stem cell treatment turns out the best therapy for Cerebral Palsy. Stem cells can repair the central neural injury, rebuild the neural circuit and restore the neural conduction, which will significantly improve the motor dysfunction and intelligence damages.
Want more about stem cell treatment for Cerebral Palsy and the best stem cell research and treatment center, email us at stemcellprc@gmail.com


The Best Treatment for Liver Cirrhosis

Liver cirrhosis is a common chronic and progressive liver disorder, which lead to diffuse liver damage. What’s the best treatment for liver cirrhosis?
The causes of liver cirrhosis
Liver cirrhosis can be caused by many factors, the common causes include hepatitis B or C viral infection, alcoholism, Primary Biliary Cirrhosis (PBC), Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), Cryptogenic cirrhosis (cirrhosis due to unidentified causes), Inherited (genetic) disorders, Primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC), Autoimmune hepatitis and cardiac cirrhosis, etc. The cause of liver cirrhosis will help us
Symptoms of liver cirrhosis
What’s the best treatment for liver cirrhosis? People with liver cirrhosis may experience compensated and decompensated stage.
In compensated stage, the liver function is not affected so much due to the compensated function of liver. Patients may feel slight lack of strength, abdominal distension, slight hepatosplenomegaly, slight jaundice, liver palms and so on.
In decompensated stage, the liver function damage and portal hypertension are the 2 main symptoms. Many complications may occur as it progresses, including edema with both lower limbs, poor appetite, hepatogenous diabetes, anemia, skin pigmentation, menstrual disorders in women, seroperitoneum, hepatogenous pleural effusion, hypersplenism, liver ascites, esophageal and gastric varices, subcutaneous varicose vein of abdominal wall, and so on.
The relevant tests
What’s the best treatment for liver cirrhosis? Usually the following tests can help doctors determine the condition of patients.
1. Blood routine examination
2. Fibrosis check of liver
3. B-ultrasonography
4. CT scan
5. X-ray
6. Endoscopy
7. Biopsy
The best treatment for liver cirrhosis
Stem cell treatment is proved the most effective treatment for liver cirrhosis up to now in the world. Maybe some people are not familiar with stem cells. Actually, stem cells have been researched and applied in clinic for more than 10 years in China.
As the best treatment for liver cirrhosis. Stem cells can significantly improve the symptoms of liver cirrhosis, like fatigue, insomnia, itchy skin, loss of appetite, weight loss, nausea, vomiting blood and so on. Because stem cells has 3 functions working on liver cirrhosis.
1. Stem cells can differentiate into new liver cells to repair and replace the fibrotic liver tissues.
2. Some stem cells will differentiate into hemopoietic cells to promote blood circulation of the liver.
3. Stem cells can secrete nutrient substance to nourish the damaged liver tissues and activate the endogenous silent neural cells, which help restore the liver function.
Cells Center China is the first stem cell research and treatment center in the world and top in China. It is a top level (3A) government military hospital, which was found in 2003 with the support of Chinese government, therefore its research and treatment level is top in China. Up to now, more than 7,000 successful cases turns out the top score in the world. Therefore, stem cell treatment is the best treatment for liver cirrhosis.

If you want more information on stem cell treatment in Cells Center China, please email us at stemcellprcn@gmail.com.


The Best Diet for Patients with Liver Cirrhosis

A healthy diet plays an important role for patients with liver cirrhosis, what’s the best diet for patients with liver cirrhosis? Today we talk about this topic from 3 main complications caused by liver cirrhosis, and help people choose the most appropriate diet.
Generally, foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains and proteins of proper types and in proper amounts are very appropriate. Besides, it is necessary to take multivitamin in daily diet.
What to Avoid
What’s the best diet for patients with liver cirrhosis? However, two things in daily diet should be strictly avoided: alcohol and high-fat foods. Alcohol may worsen the progression of cirrhosis, and high-fat foods may cause digestive difficulty, because the fat may cost too much bile to digest, which will burden the liver function.
What’s the best diet for patients with liver cirrhosis?Ascites can be worsen by diets rich in salt, so patients with liver cirrhosis should try their best to avoid the food rich in salt.
If you experience low blood sugar, a diet of small, frequent meals that include complex carbohydrates will be recommended, like breads, pastas and rice. Hypoglycemia can lead to many symptoms including fatigue, confusion and heart flutters because of lack of sugar storage in liver.
Hepatic Encephalopathy
Hepatic Encephalopathy is a severe complication caused by liver cirrhosis. When the liver is injured, it can't consume normal amounts of protein. As the protein accumulates, a toxic material called “ammonia” will be produced and destroy the brain. What’s the best diet for patients with liver cirrhosis? At that time, patients with liver cirrhosis are advised to have small amounts of protein from plant sources.
The best treatment for liver cirrhosis
Although a healthy diet may help improve some symptoms and complications, it can’t revert the process of scaring and the progression of cirrhosis. Then what’s the best treatment for liver cirrhosis? Stem cell treatment turns out the most advanced and effective therapy for liver cirrhosis. If you want more detailed information about stem cell treatment for liver cirrhosis, email us at stemcellprc@gmail.com


Best Treatment for Complications of Traumatic Brain Injury

What are and how to treat complications of traumatic brain injury? People with TBI and their families show much concern on this topic, now we are going to discuss it and figure out the best therapy for complications of traumatic brain injury.
These potential complications of traumatic brain injury
Fever and Infection
Infections are very common after TBI. Fever may be the first sign for a person with infection caused by TBI. Pneumonia is the most common and prominent infection indication. Therefore, it’s necessary to make a urinalysis and culture, as well as an x-ray of the chest for patients when they got fever. Sometimes the fever is resulted from the brain injury, because the brain that controls the body’s temperature is damaged. If the location of the infection is observed, antibiotics can be used to manage the infection.
Some people with traumatic brain injury will have seizures within the first week. Some serious injuries may result in recurring seizures, called post-traumatic epilepsy
Seizures is one of the biggest concerns for doctors when they treat mild to moderate traumatic brain injury patients due to the interruption of normal brain activity. Many head injury patients suffer from seizures and convulsions, which can lead to further damage. Because patients may hit their heads during the onset, which worsens the injury.
Cognitive problems
Cognitive problems are severe complications of traumatic brain injury. Most TBI patients will experience changes in cognition, sensory perception, communication and mental health. One of the most common cognitive disabilities is short-term memory loss; however, many patients also experience disturbances in thinking, reasoning, problem solving, judgment and attention span.
Other complications of traumatic brain injury
Changes in personality
Difficulty speaking
Problems with reading and writing
Best Treatment for complications of traumatic brain injury?
As we have seen, most complications of traumatic brain injury is relevant to central neural system injury, and only we repair these injuries, we can completely cure these complications. What’s the best treatment for central neural injuries caused by traumatic brain injury?
Stem cell treatment turns out most effective and safe for complications of traumatic brain injury. How is effective for Stem Cell Treatment for Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)? Let’s check it.
Stem cell treatment, as a great breakthrough of regeneration medicine, has proved as the best treatment for complications of traumatic brain injury. Stem cells have function of self-differentiation and self-renew, and can differentiate into new neural cells and repair these injured neural circuits and restore the nerve conduction, which help improve the motor dysfunction caused by TBI. According to our 10 years’ clinical experience in Cells Center China, after stem cell treatment, patients will obvious improvements with their speaking, reading and writing, seizure, cognitive problems, depression and anxiety, as well as irritability.

What's the best treatment for complications of traumatic brain injury? If you want to learn more detailed information about stem cell treatment and Cells Center China, please email us at stemcellprc@gmail.com