
Is There A Cure or Treatment for MND

Is there a cure or treatment for MND? People who are told to be affected with MND may ask frequently the question. Are There Any Alternative Treatments for MND? Today, we are exploring the fact of MND and the best treatment for MND.
MND fact
The motor neuron diseases (MND) are a group of neurological disorders that severely affect motor functions through destroying these motor neuron cells, which control voluntary muscle movements of human body, including speaking, walking, swallowing, breathing, etc. They are progressive diseases, gradually cause disability, and finally lead to death.
Is there a cure or treatment for MND?
In MND, the neural conduction signals will be disrupted due to the damage to the motor neurons, and finally many kinds of motor dysfunctions and loss may occur as it progresses. Patients may experience many problems such as uncontrollable twitching, muscle stiffness, slurred speech, swallowing and even breathing difficulties. These symptoms will greatly affect the life quality and life expectancy of patients.
Is there a cure or treatment for MND? Although there is no identified cure for MND, some medicines and alternative treatments may help relieve the symptoms and slow the progression of MND. Riluzole is the only drug to be licensed for the treatment of MND, but it is not a cure for MND. It can only show a modest impact on survival for people with MND through suppressing glutamate (a chemical messenger in the central nervous system). However, Riluzole can't repair the damage and degeneration of the motor neurons or preventing further progression of the disease, so it shows less effect on many cases in clinic.
What's the Best Treatment for MND
Is there a cure or treatment for MND? Stem cell treatment turns out the most effective therapy for MND. Stem cells can cross the brain-blood barrier and differentiate into new motor neurons to repair the damaged motor neurons and tissues. Stem cell treatment, as cell regeneration, is a great breakthrough of regeneration medicine, which is the most advanced therapy for neurodegenerative diseases.
Usually, after stem cell treatment, patients will get improved with their muscle atrophy, and have better muscle strength and flexibility, besides, their walking, speech, swallowing difficulties will improve to some extent. The most important is that the progression of MND may be slowed. Therefore, the life quality and life span of patients will get significantly improved.

Is there a cure or treatment for MND? If you want to learn more about stem cell treatment for MND, please email us at stemcellprc@gmail.com.


Is stroke rehabilitation effective

What's a Stroke
A stroke is a serious condition that occurs when blood flow to part of your brain is cut off by blood clots or broken blood vessels, which affects many functions of human body. Is stroke rehabilitation effective? Let's check it out.
Strokes can cause significant damages in language, cognition, and motor functions. It can be a lengthy process to recover from sequelae of stroke, which needs patience, hard work, and commitment. It may take years for many cases to insist the rehabilitation.
Goal of rehabilitation
The goal of rehabilitation is to help stroke survivors live more independently through improving their affected functions. This must be accomplished in a way that preserves dignity and motivates the survivor to relearn basic skills that the stroke may have taken away - skills like eating, dressing and walking.
Rehabilitation items and options
Is stroke rehabilitation effective? The stroke rehabilitation is a systematic and long-term procedures, patients with sequelae may start it in the hospital after the stroke. When their conditions are stable, they needs a scientific and individualized stroke rehabilitation program and insist it after discharging from the hospital.
Usually, patients and their families may have different rehabilitation iterms and options depending on the severity of the stroke and their economic condition, rehabilitation options include: rehabilitation unit in the hospital, subacute care unit, rehabilitation hospital, home therapy, long-term care facility, and so on. Is stroke rehabilitation effective?
Stem cell treatment for stroke
The sequelae of stroke may much affect the life quality of patient, but stroke rehabilitation may achieve less effect, because it can't repair the impairment in the brain which control the motor function, but are damaged.
Stem cell treatment turns out the most effective therapy for sequelae of stroke currently in the world. Stem cells can cross the blood-brain barrier and repair the neural cells and improve the blood circulation in the brain, which will significantly improve the affected functions by stroke as well as improve their life quality.
In clinic, after stem cell treatment, the motor dysfunction, like walking, standing, finger and limbs movement, strength and flexibility of limb will get improved at different level.

If you want to understand more about stem cell treatment for stroke, or is stroke rehabilitation effective? Please email us at stemcellprc@gmail.com


Stem Cell Treatment for CP

How is cerebral palsy treated by conventional therapies
The conventional therapies for CP focusing on improving the external symptoms of CP patients and increasing their socical ability in their daily lives. Many therapies may be applied to deal with different symptoms, including physiotherapy(PT), occupational therapy(OT), accupuncture, home therapy, rehabilitation, drug therapy and so on. These therapies may improve the motor dysfunction, help their communication with people, and increase their range of motor. However, the conventional therapies for CP can't repair the rooted cause in the brain, so scientists are exploring new treatments to cure CP completely. Stem cell treatment is one of these clinical trials.
What's stem cell treatment for CP
Currently, stem cell treatment for Cerebral Palsy in many countries is still in clinical trials, so people may feel strange to the term of stem cells, and doubt the effect and safety of the new treatment. Actually, stem cell treatment for CP is not new in China, because we have had 10 years' clinical practice, and many patients have benefited from it.
Why is stem cell treatment for CP effective?
Although stem cell treatment for Cerebral Palsy is still at a very early stage, it has been proved very effective for Cerebral Palsy. Cerebral palsy is very difficult to treat, because it involves damages to many different types of cells in the brain. Stem cells, as a kind of undifferentiated cells, can differentiate into new and multiple brain cells to repair and replace these injured brain cells and tissues in the specific areas of the brain.
Stem cell treatment for CP has turned out very effective and safe based on the remarkable effect and safety of thousands of successful cases in Cells Center China in the past 10 years' clinical observation, treatment and follo-up.
Best center to make stem cell treatment for CP
Cells Center China is the first and top stem cell research and treatment center in the world, which has the largest stem cell laboratory in Asia, and more than 3,000 successful cases of CP patients.

If you want to learn more about stem cell treatment for CP, please email us at stemcellprc@gmail.com.


FAQs of CP patients who are interested in stem cell treatment in Cells Center China

1. How the stem cell treatment for CP is being done?
We have 5 methods to perform stem cell injection in Cells Center China, Stereotactic Brain Injection, Lumbar Puncture, CT-guided Intraspinal Injection, Vascular Intervention Infusion, and Intravenous Infusion. Usually we choose Stereotactic Brain stem cell Injection and Lumbar Puncture stem cell Injection for children with CP. According to her condition, we will design 2 treatment programs for her:
①. Stereotactic Brain Injection for once and Lumbar Puncture for twice.
②. Lumbar Puncture for 4 times.
The total stem cell infusion quantity and expected effect of the 2 methods are the same.
2. Payment procedure of stem cell treatment for CP
Before the treatment start, the hospital may ask you to pay some money for the following diagnosis and treatments. You will be charged stage by stage or you can choose to pay at once, and the hospital will give you the list of cost and items everyday to protect your right to know, you have right to ask any questions when you have doubts on the charge. In the last, when all the treatment is finished, you will be returned the remaining payment.
Usually, you can pay currency (USD or RMB) directly(according to the latest exchange rate), or make international transfer to our account. The cheque is strongly not recommended in case of many trouble of banking services. Due to the limited withdraw quantity of credit card, it’s also not so recommended as the single payment method.
3. Where do you get the stem cells?
We have partner hospitals who supply umbilical cord blood stem cells and umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells to our stem cell laboratory, which are extracted from umbilical cord blood and umbilical cord of babies. The stem cells before extraction will be followed up during pregency and delivery, so the source of stem cells will be very healthy.
The prcedure of extraction, culture and injection will be done strictly in compliance with the standard of FDA, so we can guarantee the quality of stem cells in our hospital. We have the largest stem cell laboratory in Asia.
4. Hospital facilities when we arrive in China
The General Hospital of Chinese People's Armed Police Forces is a 3A (top) state-owned military hospital, which has the full departments and facilities, and top medical level and staff in China.
5. Our stay in China when performing stem cell treatment for CP
When you arrive in China, you will be arranged in VIP ward of the TCM hospital, which will good for her full course of TCM regulation. If you like better living condition, you can also choose to live in star hotel, but it may be a little difficult for her 24 hrs treatment and nursing. So we advise you to live in the hospital.
6. After treatment plan / follow up pla
Usually after treatment, you need only wait for the effect of stem cells and expected improvements. Of course, you can only perform physiotherapy for her, it won’t matter.
7. Further requirements like hotels, visa, tickets, etc
When you decide the stem cell treatment, please tell me at the earliest time and give me the patient’s and her companies’ full names and passport numbers, we will send you the LOI (letter of invitation), which will help you get the Chinese visa soon because we are famous and military hospital.
Please book the tickets earlier and give me the ticket information, we will pick you up at Beijing Capital International Airport as scheduled.
This is a real case of FAQs by parents of CP child, who think stem cell treatment for CP is their hope.

If you want more information, email us at stemcellprc@gmail.com.


Occupational Therapy for Cerebral Palsy

Children with cerebral palsy usually have difficulty with their motor function and suffer from intelligence impairment, usually they are told to make occupational therapy for cerebral palsy for their children by doctors. Could occupational therapy for cerebral palsy work for their motor function improvement and help them live more independently? Let’s find the truth and the best treatment for cerebral palsy.
What’s occupational therapy for cerebral palsy
The goal of occupational therapy is to promote a child’s ability to perform daily activities and help them live more independently. Since they can do many things by themselves in their lives with less or even no assistance, their life quality and mood will be significantly improved.
The benefit of occupational therapy for cerebral palsy
Occupational therapy can benefit significantly for children with cerebral palsy and their families. The occupational therapy focus on teaching a child with CP to develop and maintain a daily routine, which contributes to independence and life quality.
Occupationa therapy children meets the needs of these patients who want to deal with daily works to the best of their abilities without assistance or interference. Occupationa therapy is effective to some extent, because it helps children with CP participate social life as others do.
What the children learn from occupational therapy is to put into practice in their daily activities with their ability, what time and how they wake up in the morning, how to prepare to go to school, interacting with others, being part of a community, performing tasks independently, finish their homework, and so on.
The best treatment for cerebral palsy
The occupational therapy for cerebral palsy sounds good for CP children, but as we know, CP is caused by the neural system injury, it can only achieve the limited effect rather than repairing the damages in the brain of the patients. Is there any best treatment for cerebral palsy?
Stem cell treatment, as the most advanced medical field, has been applied in clinical treatment for cerebral palsy for many years, which turns out the most effective therapy for cerebral palsy currently.
Cells Center China is the first stem cell research and treatment center in the world, and represents the top stem cell treatment level. In the past 10 years, it has benefited more than 7,700 patients with many kinds of neural disease.

If you want more information about stem cell treatment, E-mail us at stemcellprc@gmail.com.


The Best Treatment for Spastic Cerebral Palsy

Spastic cerebral palsy, as the most common type of cerebral palsy, accounts for about more than 70% to 80% of all CP cases. What's the best treatment for spastic cerebral palsy? Let's figure it out in the passage.
What's Spastic Cerebral Palsy
The biggest feature for spastic cerebral palsy is hypertonia, or increased muscle tone, which is caused by some damages in specific areas of the brain which control the motor function.
The Best Treatment for Spastic Cerebral Palsy
Children with spastic cerebral palsy have difficulty living independently, so many patients need caregivers or assistance of facilities when they catch things, squat, stand, walk and so on. Most parents choose to make rehabilitation for their children with spastic cerebral palsy, however, the external correction can't cure the neural system injury. Is rehabilitation effective for children's cerebral palsy?
Stem cell treatment turns out the best treatment for spastic cerebral palsy for spastic cerebral palsy. Stem cell treatment shows remarkable effect on the cerebral palsy, especially the motor dysfunction, such as hypertonia, spasticity and stiffness of the muscles, X walk and so on. Stem cell research and treatment has been used in clinic for more than 10 years in China, and the clinical trials of stem cell treatment for CP has entered into the second stage under the authorization of FDA. In China, many children with spastic cerebral palsy have got significantly improved and live normal lives. Therefore, the remarkable and safe effect has proved that stem cell treatment is the best treatment for spastic cerebral palsy, and the hope for patients with spastic cerebral palsy.
The Best Center for Spastic Cerebral Palsy
The Cells Center China, as the Cells Therapy Department of General Hospital of Chinese People's Armed Police Forces, is the first stem cell treatment center in the world, who first apply the stem cell treatment in treatment of CP, and achieved great success. All of its clinical trials before clinical application and laboratory procedures are in compliance of the most strict sstandards of WHO and FDA, therefore, it represents the top level in China and get support of Chinese government in finance and policy. More than 3,000 children with cerebral palsy have benefited from it in Cells Center China.

What's the best treatment for spastic cerebral palsy? If you want more information about stem cell treatment, email us at stemcellprc@gmail.com


FAQs for Stem Cell Treatment in Cells Center China (II)

What conditions can be treated by stem cell treatment in Cells Center China?
Currently, through our 10 years' research and clinical practices, stem cell treatment is proved to be effective for many central nervous system injury, progressive neurodegenerative disorders and autoimmune diseases, including:
§ Cerebral Palsy
§ Sequelae of Spinal Cord Injury
§ Sequelae of Traumatic Brain Injury
§ Liver Cirrhosis
§ Motor Neuron Disease, including ALS, the prominant type of MND
§ Tremor, and Parkinson's disease
§ Multiple System Atrophy, including Olivopontocerebellar atrophy (OPCA), and spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA)
§ Stroke
§ Diabetes
What if I don't find my condition on your list?
We can still provide you a second opinion for related central nervous system injuries and diseases and their conventional or stem cell treatment.
How can you make stem cell transplantation or injection?
In our Cells Center China, we apply many different ways to perform stem cell transplantation, including: Stereotactic Brain Injection, Lumbar Puncture, CT-guided Intraspinal Injection, Vascular Intervention Infusion and Intravenous Infusion.
These stem cell treatments are designed for different diseases and can be used in combination or single according to specific condition of patients, achieving the best effect in clinic.
Do you have approval to perform stem cell treatment?
Yes. We are the first and only officially approved stem cell center in China who is qualified to perform stem cell research and treatment by Chinese government, and represent the top level in stem cell research and treatment in China.
The researches on cerebral palsy and Diabetes in Cells Center China have been authorized by FDA and WHO.
What kind of condition is not appropriate for stem cell treatment?
Patients with tumors, especially malignant tumors, are not advocated to receive stem cell treatment, because there is still concern about stem cell injection causing tumors. We firmly believe that adult stem cell transplantation does not result in tumors; however, embryonic stem cell transplantation may result in tumors. In order to avoid any risks and keep the effect of treatment, we do not treat patients with tumors.
If you want to learn more about stem cell treatment, please email us at stemcellprc@gmail.com.


FAQs for Stem Cell Treatment in Cells Center China

What is the expenditure or cost of the full course treatment?
Actually, the cost varies depending on the severity of the disease, and the specific treatment schedule based on patients’ condition, but we can give you an estimated cost after learning the patient’s full information.
Usually, the cost that we show should include stem cell injection for several times, full course of traditional Chinese medicine regulation, medication and herbs, nursing, VIP ward accommodation for patient and his caregiver, car service and so on. In a word, you need only pay for your eating.
How long is the full treatment?
It will take 20 days to 25 days. During the treatment, we can help the patient arrange some sight-seeing tour in Beijing on the premise of guaranteeing the treatment and good for improvement. Some Chinese and Beijing namecard, like Great Wall or Forbidden City, will enjoy you.
What about the risks of the stem cell treatment?
Don't worry, we can guarantee the quality of our stem cells, because we have the largest stem cell laboratory in Asia. And we have 10 years clinical experience and 7,700 cases, there is no any risks in our treatment.
What are my rights as a patient during treatment?
You have the right to be informed about the purpose and validity of any medications, the right to be explained the risks and seek answers to your questions about your treatment program. You also have the right to withdraw from the treatment program at any time.
Is my information kept confidential?
Of course, we will. We respect and protect all our patients’ privacy. We do not share your information with any third person for any other purpose.

If you want to learn more detaied information, please email us at stemcellprc@gmail.com.


Is Stem Cell Treatment Appropriate for Patients Who Have DBS?

Patients with Parkinson's disease in advanced stage may be advised to make DBS in their brain. Is stem cell treatment appropriate for patients who have DBS? Let’s find the truth.
Parkinson's disease is a degenerative disorder of the central nervous system. The motor symptoms of Parkinson's disease result from the death of dopamine-generating cells in the substantia nigra, a region of the midbrain.
Deep Brain Stimulation
Is stem cell treatment appropriate for patients who have DBS? Deep brain stimulation (or DBS) is the main type of surgery used for Parkinson's treatment. DBS is a way to implant a medical device, which will work through sending electrical stimulation to a precisely targeted areas deep in the brain. Different area will decide different disease treatment, such as implantation in the globus pallidus is effective for Parkinson's disease treatment, while in the thalamus effective for essential tremor treatment. This implant surgery will help control the main symptoms of Parkinson's Disease, such as motor problem, thinking and behavioral problems as well as depression.
Is stem cell treatment appropriate for patients who have DBS?
Although many countries have started the stem cell research and clinical application, they still stay in clinical trials due to the late start or limited equipment and techniques conditions. Cells Center China is the first stem cell research and treatment center in the world, and the top Third level and Grade-A state-owned hospital in China.
It was established in 2004, with the approval and support by Chinese Government, which represents the top research and treatment level in China and advanced in the world. In the past 10 years, it has achieved great success in the combination of stem cell research and treatment.
We have 5 ways to perform stem cell treatment, which are appropriate for and applied in different diseases and patients’ condition. Through our clinical experience, patients who have DBS is not advised to make Stereotactic Brain Injection in consideration of the risks. However, we can perform Lumbar Puncture stem cell injection and Intravenous Infusion for them, which haven’t shown any risks ever.

Is stem cell treatment appropriate for patients who have DBS? Yes, in Cells Center China, we help Parkinson's patients find hope to live their normal lives. Want more? Email us at stemcellprc@gmail.com.


The Best Treatment for Athetoid Cerebral Palsy

Athetoid cerebral palsy or dyskinetic cerebral palsy is a type of cerebral palsy marked by slow, writhing involuntary muscle movement. What's the best treatment for athetoid cerebral palsy? Here gives you the answer, let's check it.
Cause of Athetoid Cerebral Palsy
Athetoid cerebral palsy is usually caused by damage to the basal ganglia, located in the midbrain, in the form of lesions that occur during brain development due to bilirubin encephalopathy and hypoxic-ischemic brain injury.
Symptoms of Athetoid Cerebral Palsy
What's the best treatment for athetoid cerebral palsy? Patients affected with athetoid cerebral palsy usually suffer from a mixed muscle tone, some of which are too high (hypertonia) and others too low (hypotonia) due to the affected individual's inability to control muscle tone. About 15% of patients with cerebral palsy are affected by athetoid cerebral palsy. Usually the patients will suffer from more severe affected upper limbs than lower limbs, besides, they also have speaking problem, so they can't live independently compared with other types of cerebral palsy. But their intelligence usually remain normal.
People with athetoid cerebral palsy are usually difficult to hold onto something, such as a cup, due to the mixed tone of muscles. Athetoid cerebral palsy can also make patients more difficult to use their hands to a certain place, or concentrate on it, such as the finger to finger test.
What's The Best Treatment for Athetoid Cerebral Palsy?
Stem cell treatment is the most state-of-the-art therapy currently in the world to treat cerebral palsy. As we have known, athetoid cerebral palsy is a central neural system injury caused by damage to the basal ganglia in the brain. Conventional therapies, like medicine, rehabilitation, physiotherapies can't cross the blood-brain barrier and achieve few effects. However, stem cell treatment, as the best regeneration medicine, can repair the injured cerebral cells, improve cerebral neural function and enhance the motor function, including the relief of dystonia.

If you want learn more about the best treatment for athetoid cerebral palsy, and the best center to treat cerebral palsy in stem cell treatment, please email us at stemcellprc@gmail.com


Stem Cell Treatment Gives New Hope to My 7 Year Baby with Cerebral Palsy

As the best treatment for infantile cerebral palsy, stem cell treatment helps many children with cerebral palsy lead more healthy lives, and live more independently. The following case is a 7 year boy who has speaking, walking and balance problems.

Patient name: Xiao Yong
Gender: male
Age: 7
Disease description: Xiao Yong was first diagnosed with cerebral palsy in the 19th hospitals of Panzhihua in Sichuan Provincem when he was 4 months after his birth, because he had motor retardation compared with normal babies.
His parents told doctor that the condition is caused by premature in the 34th weeks and oxygen deficit after birth. When his parents heard that stem cell treatment is the best treatment for infantile cerebral palsy, they took Xiao Yong to Cells Center China in 22nd July, 2008. The MRI shows that leukodystrophy in bilateral basal ganglia is available in his brain. Our experts performed Stereotactic Brain Stem Cell Injection once and Lumbar Puncture Stem Cell Injection twice for him.
The followings are comparison before and after stem cell injection for Xiao Yong.
Before Stem Cell Injection
1. Slurred speech, posturally inharmonious
2. Rigidity with both upper limbs. He couldn't catch things accurately due to shaking his hands.
3. Poor fine motor. He couldn't do some fine motors, such as writing, finger-to-finger test, and difficulty in reversing his wrists.
4. Unsteady when he was walking. He was prone to fall down, and couldn't walk in straight.
5. Poor coordinate movement, he had slow and unaccurate reaction in finger-to-nose test, and alternating movement.
After Stem Cell Injection, the best treatment for infantile cerebral palsy, his improvements include:
1. Pronounce more clearly, more coordinated motors
2. More flexible with both his upper limbs,
3. He can revert his wrists more flexibly, write more steadily and quickly. He is more flexible in finger-to-finger test.
4. He can walk more steadily, and can walk in straight.
5. His coordinate movement is greatly improved, which makes him have quicker and accurater reaction in finger-to-nose test, and alternating movement.
Seeing these improvements, his parents was very happy and they said stem cell treatment is the best treatment for infantile cerebral palsy they have ever seen, and they will take Xiao Yong to receive the second treatment half an year later to achieve more improvements.

If you want to learn more information about stem cell treatment, please contact us at stemcellprc@gmail.com.


The Best Cerebral Palsy Rehabilitation Program

Most parents choose to take their cerebral palsy children to make rehabilitation for some improvements. What's the Best cerebral palsy rehabilitation program? Let's figure it out.
What's rehabilitation program for cerebral palsy?
The purpose of rehabilitation is to help children with cerebral palsy live more independently through improving their motor dysfunction and training their fine motor skills and daily living activities. Is rehabilitation effective for children's cerebral palsy?
I. Physical therapy
Physical therapy is the most commonly used and also regarded as the best therapy for cerebral palsy patients in the best cerebral palsy rehabilitation program. It’s effective to decrease the muscle stiffness and increased muscle tone, increase the strength of the affected muscle and limbs through external repeated stimulation and teaching appropriate or functional motor patterns. Besides, physical therapy can also be done at home when the family and caregivers of CP patients learnt the procedure.
II. Occupational therapy
Occupational therapy is essential in the best cerebral palsy rehabilitation program, which focuses on fine motor skills and daily living activities. The therapy emphasizes the hands training for fine motor skills.
III.Speech and language therapy
Some cerebral palsy patients may have speaking problem due to the affected muscles in their throat and tongue, speech and language therapy plays an important role in speech problems in children with cerebral palsy. Your child might also have hearing loss. The best cerebral palsy rehabilitation program is a systematical procedures, and speech and language therapy works on spoken training and alternative types of communication, like sign language or computers. These therapies and methods will help cerebral palsy patients better communicate in social activities.
Do we have better choice?
As we have known, even the best cerebral palsy rehabilitation program can only improve certain symptoms and help patients live more independently by external stimulation and assistance, rather than curing the damages from the root cause. Stem cells can cross the brain-blood barrier and work directly on the affected central neural system of the brain, which may restore the neural circuit and improve neural conduction. After stem cell treatment, the motor dysfunction will be significantly improved, and the life qualities of patients get greatly improved. Therefore, stem cell treatment turns out the best treatment for children's cerebral palsy.
Cells Center China is the first stem cell research and treatment center in the world, and the top Third level and Grade-A state-owned hospital in China, which represents the top research and treatment level in China and advanced in the world.

If you want to learn more about the best cerebral palsy rehabilitation program and stem cell treatment for cerebral palsy in Cells Center China, email us at stemcellprc@gmail.com.


How to Heal the Spinal Cord Injury

How to heal the spinal cord injury? You may first think of the surgery or operation after the injury, which can correct and repair the affected areas, but does it mean the patient will completely recover from the injury? Maybe not. Let's talk about the problem now.
What is the spinal cord injury?
The spinal cord is one of the most important parts of human being, which is associated with many parts of human body by nerves. There are 31 pairs of nerves that leave the spinal cord and go to your arms, legs, chest and abdomen. These nerves allow your brain to give commands to your muscles and cause movements of your arms and legs. The nerves also control the function of your organs including your heart, lungs, bowels, and bladder.
Therefore, once your spinal cord is injured, you may have the motor dysfunction and organ damage caused by the specific injured part of the spinal cord. For example, the fourth cervical spinal cord injury (C-4) usually causes complete quadriplegia, and spontaneous breathing loss in the beginning, all sensation loss below clavicle. The first lumbar spinal cord injury (L-1) may cause muscle paralysis in lower limbs, sphincter of bladder and colon is out of control, and sensation dysfunction with the lower limbs.
How to heal the spinal cord injury?
Most people with sequelae of spinal cord injury choose to make rehabilitation training to improve their motor and sensation dysfunction. These rehabilitation may include occupational therapy, physiotherapies, psychological interfere and some individualized items. Is rehabilitation effective for sequelae of spinal cord injury? However, many people see few effect after a long time rehabilitation. This is because the sequelae of spinal cord injury is caused by central nerve system injury, and the external stimulation can hardly repair the internal nerve injury. Besides, Therefore, patients wonder how to heal the spinal cord injury from the root cause.
Best treatment for sequelae of spinal cord injury
Stem cell treatment is proved the best treatment for sequelae of spinal cord injury. Stem cells can differentiate into new neural cells and repair these injured neural cells and restore the nerve conduction, which significantly improve the motor and sensation dysfunction caused by spinal cord injury. In the past 10 years' clinical treatment in Cells Center China, stem cells have benefited more than 7,700 patients with many kinds of nerve diseases and injuries. Therefore, stem cell treatment is not in the clinical trial stage any more.

How to heal the spinal cord injury? Stem cell treatment turns out the best option for sequelae of spinal cord injury. If you wonder more detailed information about stem cell treatment for sequelae of spinal cord injury, email us at stemcellprc@gmail.com.


The Possible Cure for Hereditary Spinocerebellar Ataxia (SCA)

Spinocerebellar ataxia is a progressive disorder characterized by abnormalities in brain functioning. Is there possible cure for hereditary spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA)? Let’s explore the answer in the following discussion.
What's SCA
Spinocerebellar ataxia are a group of genetic disorders characterized by slowly progressive incoordination of gait, hands, speech, and eye movements. Usually, cerebellum atrophy will occur.
People affected by SCA develop a degenerative condition that affects their cerebellum, which controls the ability to coordinate the various parts of human body, and people with SCA usually suffer from a progressive reduction with their coordination, depending on the specific area of the cerebellum.
What Causes SCA
In order to find out the possible cure for hereditary spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA), experts made many researches on SCA, trying to figure out the cause of SCA. It’s commonly acknowledged that hereditary SCA is caused by some groups of gene mutations on different chromosomes. Generally, the incidence to get the defective gene is about 1 to 5 people in every 100 people. Besides, man and woman are equally likely to inherit a defective gene, because SCA does not differentiate between genders.
Possible cure for hereditary spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA)
Stem cell treatment turns out the most effective and safe treatment for SCA currently in the world. As the breakthrough of regeneration medicine, stem cell treatment has proved the potential cure for many central neural system injuries and neurodegenerative disorders, including cerebral palsy, sequelae of spinal cord injury, sequelae of traumatic brain injury, motor neuron disease, cerebellar atrophy, cerebral infarction, liver cirrhosis, diabetes and so on.
Stem cells can differentiate into new neural cells and repair these damaged motor neral cells caused by SCA and prevent the ongoing progression. Therefore, it's thought to be the possible cure for hereditary spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA) due to its remarkable and long-lasting effect and no side effect.
Usually, people with SCA will get significantly improved with their motor dysfunction, including speaking, walking, swallowing, and muscle strength. There is no any side effect that has been found in the 10 years' clinical treatment in Cells Center China.
If you want to learn more details about stem cell treatment --- the possible cure for hereditary spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA), please email us at stemcellprc@gmail.com.


New Hope for Sequelae of Spinal Cord Injury

People with sequelae of spinal cord injury may suffer from their motor dysfunction, urinating and defecation dysfunction. Is there any new hope for sequelae of spinal cord injury? Let’s explore the most effective treatment in modern medicine.
Is rehabilitation training effective for spinal cord injury patients?
People with sequelae of spinal cord injury usually have the problem of sensation and movement function based on their part and severity of the spinal cord injury. Most patients start rehabilitation to improve their motor dysfunction after surgery correction and fixing of the spinal cord. The acupuncture therapy and physical therapy are most commonly used to improve the stiffness, numbness, sensation loss or high sensation level through stimulating the nerve system of the affected part of body. However, the truth is that for most patients, the rehabilitation program takes a long time and is rather painful, but only few effects has been seen. Is there any new hope for sequelae of spinal cord injury? Yes.
Stem cell treatment for sequelae of spinal cord injury
Stem cell treatment for sequelae of spinal cord injury turns out the new hope for sequelae of spinal cord injury. Maybe many people feel strange to stem cell treatment, but actually, it has been researched and applied in treatment for sequelae of spinal cord injury for more than 10 years in Cells Center China. Stem cell treatment for sequelae of spinal cord injury proves most effective and safe currently in modern medicine compared with conventional drugs and rehabilitation.
Cells Center China was established in 2004, as the first stem cells transplantation center in China and in the world, it represents the top stem cell research and treatment level in China and advanced in the world. Through our research and clinical treatment experience, we found that stem cell treatment is very effective and safe for the treatment of sequelae of spinal cord injury, which turns out the new hope for sequelae of spinal cord injury.
In the past 10 years, we have treated more than 7,700 patients, who come from more than 30 countries, among which, there are more than 2,000 cases are patients with sequelae of spinal cord injury. The overall effective rate is above 90%.

If you want to learn more about stem cell treatment --- the new hope for sequelae of spinal cord injury, you can email to stemcellprc@gmail.com.