
Less Common Risk Factors of Motor Neuron Disease

Less Common Risk Factors of Motor Neuron Disease
Relevant research has identified some common risk factors of motor neuron disease as sex, age, professional football, military service experience, places people live, heredity etc. However, there are also some risk factors which are not that common, but should also catch our attention, and they are as followings:
Exposure to some chemicals, like formaldehyde
Exposure to pesticides
Head injuries, particularly repeated ones
A diet which is quite high in fat
Currently, throughout the global, there is no specific and standard cure for motor neuron disease; however, the stem cell transplantation, a therapy based on the features of stem cells, can tremendously manage the condition.

For further details about motor neuron disease and its treatment, please send E-mail to stemcellcenter@hotmail.com, or visit http://www.cellscenterchina.com/.


Advanced Symptoms of Motor Neuron Disease

Advanced Symptoms of Motor Neuron Disease
Motor neuron disease, or MND, is an incurable and severe neurological disorder all over the world. Clinically, the disorder’s symptoms progress in a negative direction, namely, the condition of an individual with motor neuron disease deteriorates over time.
During the advanced stages, the symptoms, most of which are rather obvious, are as followings:

  • Muscle spasms
  • Muscle weakness
  • Excessive yawning
  • Pain
  • Breathing difficulties
  • Saliva problems
  • Emotional changes
  • Difficulties in swallowing and speaking
  • Changes to mental abilities

Currently, clinically, to control the condition of motor neuron disease, available choices are not that many, and most of them just temporarily work. However, the stem cell therapy, a therapy completely different from those conventional ones, can tremendously prevent the symptoms from advancing, improve the quality of life, as well as prolong the life expectancy.

For further details about advanced symptoms of motor neuron disease and its treatment, please whatsapp to +86-18611202625 or send E-mail to stemcellprc@gmail.com


How Many Types of Cerebral Palsy are There

How Many Types of Cerebral Palsy are There
Currently, clinically, cerebral palsy is generally classified as four types, which are spastic cerebral palsy, dyskinetic or athetoid cerebral palsy, ataxic cerebral palsy and mixed cerebral palsy respectively. The type of cerebral palsy that takes place depends on which part of the brain is affected. Among them, spastic cerebral palsy is the most common type.
Currently, cerebral palsy is still incurable all over the world, and what we can do is trying our best to contain the symptoms and associated complications through available therapies, among which, the stem cell therapy is definitely the most impressive one.

For more details about cerebral palsy and its treatment, please send E-mail to stemcellcenter@hotmail.com, or visit http://www.cellscenterchina.com/.


Complications Individuals with Motor Neuron Disease may Experience

Complications Individuals with Motor Neuron Disease may Experience
Clinically, there are many associated complications of motor neuron disease, which, along with symptoms, can inflict huge difficulties and challenges to individuals with this disease. Just like symptoms of motor neuron disease, associated complications also are different in different stages of the disease. Common associated complications are as followings:
Respiratory failure and death
Complications of immobility
Pneumonia due to aspiration or infection
Cognitive deterioration
Urinary tract infections
Attendant and immobility disability
Cramping and spasticity of muscles
Loss of the ability to speak and communicate with others
Currently, motor neuron disease can’t be cured, but the stem cell transplantation, an advanced medical approach on the basis of the impressive features of stem cells, can offer you a new choice to live better.

For more details about motor neuron disease and its treatment, please send E-mail to stemcellcenter@hotmail.com, or visit http://www.cellscenterchina.com/.


A Multidisciplinary Team for Motor Neuron Disease

A Multidisciplinary Team for Motor Neuron Disease
Currently, throughout the world, motor neuron disease can’t be cured, and a proper and comprehensive treatment plan generally involves a multidisciplinary team consisting of many specialists with expertise in different fields, such as a neurologist, a palliative care specialist, an occupational therapist, a social worker, a specialist nurse, a speech and language therapist, and a physiotherapist.
In addition, for a treatment plan, the priority is to find a treatment which can fundamentally manage the condition first. The stem cell transplantation is the most impressive one.
Through the cooperation of yourself and those specialists, I believe your condition will be tremendously improved.

For more details about motor neuron disease and its treatment, please send E-mail to stemcellcenter@hotmail.com, or visit http://www.cellscenterchina.com/.


For a Diagnosis for Motor Neuron Disease, What to Expect from Your Doctor

For a Diagnosis for Motor Neuron Disease, What to Expect from Your Doctor
During a diagnosis for motor neuron disease, initially, the family doctor generally will carefully learn your signs and symptoms from your description, and then review your family medical history; then, your neurologist generally will conduct a series of physical and neurological tests and examinations, including:
Muscle strength
Senses of sight and touch
Muscle tone
Currently, there is no cure for motor neuron disease; however, the stem cell transplantation, a therapy for motor neuron disease completely different from the previous traditional ones, can significantly mange the condition in a way.

For more details about motor neuron disease and its treatment, please send E-mail to stemcellcenter@hotmail.com, or visit http://www.cellscenterchina.com/.


Lack of Nutrients in Individuals with Motor Neuron Disease

Lack of Nutrients in Individuals with Motor Neuron Disease
Just like any other living tissue, motor neurons also need a regular supply of nutrients. Related research has demonstrated that to maintain the normal functions, motor neurons receive nutrients from a group of proteins called neurotrophic factors. For individuals with motor neuron disease,
neurotrophic factors are not produced in the normal way. In addition, apart motor neurons, all other kinds of cells in the patients’ body suffer from lacking of nutrients in different levels due to symptoms such as difficulties in swallowing, drinking, and digesting individuals with motor neuron disease generally experience.
Currently, there is no standard treatment to cure motor neuron disease completely; however, the stem cell transplantation can significantly manage the condition.

For more details about motor neuron disease and its treatment, please send E-mail to stemcellcenter@hotmail.com, or visit http://www.cellscenterchina.com/.


Points to Think about Motor Neuron Disease

Points to Think about Motor Neuron Disease
Motor neuron disease, or MND, is a fetal, progressive neurologic disease. For motor neuron disease, there are some points should be thought about, including:
Many individuals with motor neuron disease don’t experience behavior and cognitive changes
Motor neuron disease is severe, even kind of horrible, but there are lots of available therapy and medical assistance, such as the stem cell therapy, which can provide proper management of its symptoms and associated complications
Many qualified specialists with different expertise can help an individual with motor neuron disease develop practical strategies
Not all the symptoms of motor neuron disease are caused by changes in the brain

For more details about motor neuron disease and its treatment, please send E-mail to stemcellcenter@hotmail.com, or visit http://www.cellscenterchina.com/.


Signs that a Child with Cerebral Palsy is Experiencing Developmental Delays

Signs that a Child with Cerebral Palsy is Experiencing Developmental Delays
For children with cerebral palsy, it is likely that they experience developmental delays include followings:
Inability to walk after two years of born
Difficulties in controlling head movements after two months of born
Inability to sit by herself or himself after ten months of born
The persistence of infantile reflexes like sucking after they should have been gone
Inability to stand or crawl with outside support after one year of born
Dragging one side of the body while crawling
Currently, throughout the world, there is no specific cure for cerebral palsy; however, the stem cell transplantation can significantly manage the condition.

For more details about cerebral palsy and its treatment, please send E-mail to stemcellcenter@hotmail.com, or visit http://www.cellscenterchina.com/.


Signs and Symptoms of Motor Neuron Disease during the End Stage

Signs and Symptoms of Motor Neuron Disease during the End Stage
Motor neuron disease, or MND, a severe neurologic disorder whose symptoms progress over time, is still incurable all over the world.
As the disorder progresses, the symptoms individuals experience change and become worse, during the end stage, signs and symptoms of motor neuron disease are as followings:
Generally, the individuals’ body will eventually become completely paralyzed
Breathing difficulty becomes serious and worsens further, by then, oxygen mask will not work. With the deterioration of the condition, individuals become increasingly drowsy, and most of them will eventually fall into a deep sleep and die peacefully.
The stem cell transplantation, a medical approach for motor neuron disease completely different from the previous conventional ones, can significantly manage the condition and prolong the lifespan of the patients.

For more details about motor neuron disease and its treatment, please send E-mail to stemcellcenter@hotmail.com, or visit http://www.cellscenterchina.com/.


Factors Which Affect Psychological and Neurological Recovery from Traumatic Brain Injury

Factors Which Affect Psychological and Neurological Recovery from Traumatic Brain Injury
Clinically, even after extensive rehabilitation, there are still many factors which can affect the outcome of the recovery of individuals with traumatic brain injury.
According to related observation and treatment, factors which affect psychological and neurological recovery from traumatic brain injury are as followings:
Glasgow coma scale, or GCS
Oxygen or blood supply to the brain
Pressure on the brain
Pupil response
Right now, for some severe cases of traumatic brain injury, there is no cure throughout the world; however, the stem cell transplantation, an impressive medical approach which is completely different from any previous traditional therapy, can significantly manage the condition and improve the life quality of the patients.

For more details about traumatic brain injury, please send E-mail to stemcellcenter@hotmail.com, or visit http://www.cellscenterchina.com/.


What is not Affected in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

What is not Affected in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis mainly causes muscle weakness, and its symptoms progress over time.
Here is a question: what is not affected in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis?
Clinically, followings are not affected by amyotrophic lateral sclerosis:
Bowel and bladder functions generally maintain normal
Intellect usually does not change
Sexual desire and emotional feelings
Sensory parts of the nervous system
Currently, throughout the world, there is no specific cure for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; however, the stem cell transplantation, a advanced approach completely different from any previous traditional therapy for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, can significantly manage the condition.

For more details about amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and its treatment, please send E-mail to stemcellcenter@hotmail.com, or visit http://www.cellscenterchina.com/.