
What other Conditions Resemble Parkinson’s Disease

What other Conditions Resemble Parkinson’s Disease
Parkinson’s disease, particularly at its early stages, can resemble multiple conditions with Parkinson-like symptoms, including progressive supranuclear palsy, head trauma, stroke, multiple system atrophy, inflammation of the brain, motor neuron disease, and corticobasal degeneration. During the prognosis of Parkinson’s disease, to rule out those conditions, it will involve a time-consuming process with multiple complicated tests.
Currently, Parkinson’s disease is still incurable throughout the world by now; however, the stem cell transplantation, a biomedical approach on the basis of one of the most advanced medical technologies---the stem cell technology, can significantly manage the condition.

For more details about how to help a child cope with Cerebral Palsy and the stem cell transplantation, please whatsapp to +86-18611202625 or E-mail us at stemcellprc@gmail.com to consult Dr. Patrick.


How do Symptoms of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Progress

How do Symptoms of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Progress
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or ALS as we call, refers to a progressive neurologic disease.
Clinically, the symptoms of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis generally progressively develop with direction of getting worse over time. For instance, symptoms may initially affect just one leg or arm, and then just spread to the whole body.
Symptoms of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis may develop as followings:

  • Breathing becomes worse
  • Mobility, such as walking, typically becomes worse
  • Swallowing and eating become more and more difficult
  • Doing tasks involving the use of hands and arms becomes more and more difficult
  • Coughing and sneezing become weaker and weaker

Currently, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis can’t be cured, but the stem cell therapy can significantly manage the condition.

For more details about amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and its treatment, please whatsapp to +86-18611202625 or send E-mail to stemcellprc@gmail.com.


How is Motor Neuron Disease Diagnosed

How is Motor Neuron Disease Diagnosed
Motor neuron disease, or MND, is a progressive neurological disease. Currently, throughout the world, there is yet no specific diagnosis for motor neuron disease. And a diagnosis for motor neuron disease generally takes very much time, and is quite complicated, just to exclude othe possibilities, such as Parkinson’s disease.
Right now, during a diagnosis for motor neuron disease, following tests can be advised:
  • Nerve conduction studies
  • Transcranial magnetic stimulation, or TMS
  • Electromyography, or EMG
  • Blood test
Right now, motor neuron disease is still incurable throughout the world; however, the stem cell treatment can significantly manage the condition to make your quality of life better.

For more details about motor neuron disease and treatment, please whatsapp to +86-18611202625 or send E-mail to stemcellprc@gmail.com

Life Expectancy of Individuals with Lou Gehrig’s Disease

Life Expectancy of Individuals with Lou Gehrig’s Disease
Lou Gehrig’s disease, often called amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or ALS, refers to a severe and progressive neurologic disorder which mainly appears in adults with more men than women.
At present, throughout the global, there is yet no specific and standard cure for Lou Gehrig’s disease. According to related statistics, the average life expectancy of an individual with Lou Gehrig’s disease is 2 to 5 years from the diagnosis, but it can vary greatly among different people due to many reasons, and here are some statistics:
More than half of individuals with Lou Gehrig’s disease live just about three years
Twenty percent live about 5 years
Ten percent live about 10 years
Only five percent can live more than 20 years
Currently, we have found that the stem cell transplantation can significantly manage the condition to prolong the life expectancy of individuals with Lou Gehrig’s disease. Will you give it a try?

For more details about the treatment for Lou Gehrig’s disease, please whatsapp to +86-18611202625 or send E-mail to stemcellprc@gmail.com


Homecare for Individuals with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

Homecare for Individuals with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or ALS, is a fetal and progressive neurological disorder. Once an individual begins to lose muscle functions, he or she should begin to care himself or herself at home.
As the disorder develops, individuals with ALS become more and more dependent on their caregivers.
The medical care team may include specialist physician, speech and communication therapist, primary care provider, nurses, social workers, physical therapist, nutritionist, and respiratory therapist.
Home health aids
Caregivers such as relatives or the spouses will bear the major responsibility for daily life.
Currently, ALS can’t be cured throughout the world; however, the stem cell transplantation can significantly improve the condition. Will you give a try?

For more details about ALS and its treatment, please whatsapp to +86-18611202625 or send E-mail to stemcellprc@gmail.com.


Secondary Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease

Secondary Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease
Due to many reasons such as individual difference and variety in severity, symptoms of Parkinson’s disease individuals experience can be different. For some symptoms are not that universal, or course, secondary symptoms we can call, are as followings:

  • Depression
  • Urinary urgency or frequency
  • Skin problems
  • Constipation
  • Diminished sense of smell
  • Excessive salivation and difficulties in swallowing
  • Insecurity, anxiety, and stress
  • Increased sweating
  • Monotone voice, quieter, slowed speech
  • Dementia, memory loss and confusion

Currently, Parkinson’s disease can be cured throughout the world; however, the stem cell transplantation can significantly control the symptoms and associated complications to prolong the lifespan of an individual and improve the life quality.

For more details about Parkinson’s disease and its treatment, please whatsapp to +86-18611202625 or send E-mail to stemcellprc@gmail.com


Individuals with Motor Neuron Disease may Need Aids or Equipment for Many Reasons

Individuals with Motor Neuron Disease may Need Aids or Equipment for Many Reasons
In daily life, individuals with motor neuron disease, due to difficulties in walking, swallowing, breathing, and speaking they experience caused by the disease, may need assistance to complete daily tasks and activities, such as personal care, including going to the toilet and showering, walking and moving about etc.
Currently, there is no specific cure for motor neuron disease; however, the stem cell transplantation, a medical approach based on the impressive features of stem cells, or the original beings for human beings and animals, can significantly control the condition to improve the quality of life, as well as prolong the life expectancy.

For more details about motor neuron disease and its treatment, please whatsapp to +86-18611202625 or send E-mail to stemcellprc@gmail.com.


The Diagnosis for Parkinson’s Disease

The Diagnosis for Parkinson’s Disease
The Diagnosis for Parkinson’s Disease
Currently, throughout the world, there is no specific and standard diagnosis for Parkinson’s disease yet. Clinically, to rule out other conditions with Parkinson’s disease like symptoms, such as motor neuron disease, a diagnosis for Parkinson’s disease can be quite time-consuming and complicated. However, in some conditions, a relatively accurate diagnosis for Parkinson’s disease is more likely, and they include:

  • At least two of the three primary symptoms including muscle rigidity, slowness and tremor at rest are present
  • Symptoms have been significantly improved
  • Symptoms are not because of secondary causes, like medication, or stroke in the location which controls movement
  • The onset of the symptoms started on one side of the individual’s body

Currently, Parkinson’s disease can’t be cured; however, the stem cell transplantation can significantly manage the symptoms and its associated complications, which improve the life quality and prolong the life expectancy of the patient. 

For more details about Parkinson’s disease and its treatment, please whatsapp to +86-18611202625 or send E-mail to stemcellprc@gmail.com.


Slowness of Movement in Parkinson’s Disease

Slowness of Movement in Parkinson’s Disease
For individuals with Parkinson’s disease, they will generally experience many symptoms, such as slowness of movement, namely, daily activities such as preparing meals, writing, and getting dressed may progressively become more and more difficult, so does expression because facial muscles are affected. In addition, difficulties in speech and swallowing may also appear, and in the direction of becoming deteriorating.
Currently, there is no specific and standard cure for Parkinson’s disease all over the world; however, the stem cell transplantation, an advanced medical approach completely different from any previous traditional therapy for Parkinson’s disease, can significantly manage the symptoms and associated complications to improve the quality of life, as well as prolong the life expectancy.

For more details about Parkinson’s disease and its treatment, please send E-mail to stemcellcenter@hotmail.com, or visit http://www.cellscenterchina.com/.


Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease

Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease
Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease
Parkinson’s disease, which has multiple symptoms similar to those of motor neuron disease, is also a progressive neurological disease, just like motor neuron disease.
Then, what are symptoms of Parkinson’s disease?
Currently, the specific causes of Parkinson’s disease are still not identified, but, depending on decades of research and clinical observations, we have found that the most common symptoms, in a short, are as followings:

  • Tremor
  • Slowness of movement
  • Instability
  • Rigidity

Also like motor neuron disease, Parkinson’s disease is incurable all over the world right now, however, the stem cell treatment, described as a revolutionary therapy for Parkinson’s disease by the international medical community, can tremendously control the condition and prolong the life expectancy of an individual.

For more information about Parkinson’s disease and its treatment, please whatsapp to +86-18611202625 or E-mail to stemcellprc@gmail.com. we would give you more beneficial suggestions. 


Can Parkinson’s Disease be Prevented

Can Parkinson’s Disease be Prevented
Can Parkinson’s Disease be Prevented
Currently, many researchers and scientists in the international medical community believe that Parkinson’s disease is triggered by a complicated combination of exposure to environment factors such as trauma, toxins, and illness and genetic susceptibility; however, as the exact causes of Parkinson’s disease is still not identified, Parkinson’s disease is basically at present not preventable.
Parkinson’s disease, lots of whose symptoms are similar to those of motor neuron disease, is still incurable currently. And the therapies to manage the condition are quite few. However, the stem cell transplantation, described as a revolutionary therapy for Parkinson’s disease by the international medical community, can significantly manage the condition and prolong the life expectancy of an individual.

For more details about Parkinson’s disease and its treatment, please whatsapp to +86-18611202625 or send E-mail to stemcellprc@gmail.com.


Classification Systems for Cerebral Palsy

Classification Systems for Cerebral Palsy
Cerebral palsy, or CP, a neurological disorder due to damage to the brain during an individual’s early years, can be classified as different forms through different classification systems for cerebral palsy.
Currently, the most common classification systems for cerebral palsy are as followings:
Classification of cerebral palsy base on motor function
Classification of cerebral palsy based on severity level
Classification of cerebral palsy based on gross motor function classification system
Currently, throughout the world, there is yet no specific and standard cure for cerebral palsy, however, the stem cell transplantation, an advanced treatment for cerebral palsy completely different from any previous traditional one, can tremendously manage the condition.

For more details about cerebral palsy and its treatment, please send E-mail to stemcellcenter@hotmail.com, or visit http://www.cellscenterchina.com/.


What are Risk Factors for Motor Neuron Disease

What are Risk Factors for Motor Neuron Disease
A risk factor can increase an individual’s risk of developing motor neuron disease, currently, common risk factors are as followings:
Where you live
Professional football
Military experience
Exposure to pesticides
Exposure to some chemicals, like formaldehyde
Head injuries, particularly repeated ones
A diet which is very high in fat
Currently, throughout the world, there is no specific cure for motor neuron disease, but the stem cell transplantation, described as a revolutionary treatment for motor neuron disease, can tremendously control the condition and prolong the life expectancy of an individual.

For further details about motor neuron disease and its treatment, please send E-mail to stemcellcenter@hotmail.com, or visit http://www.cellscenterchina.com/.


Something about Parkinson’s Disease

Something about Parkinson’s Disease
According to the relevant statistics, the incidence of Parkinson’s disease steeps sharply from 17.4 out of 100000 individual years between 50 and 59 years of the age to 93.1 out of 100000 individual years between 70 and 79 years of the age.
Clinically, common risk factors of Parkinson’s disease are as followings:
A few studies have suggested that people who are born in the spring have a higher incidence of Parkinson’s disease
Pesticide exposure
Increasing prevalence with age
Slightly more common in men than women
Currently, Parkinson’s disease can be cured; however, the stem cell therapy can significantly manage the condition and improve the quality of life.

For further details about Parkinson’s disease and its treatment, please send please send E-mail to stemcellcenter@hotmail.com, or visit http://www.cellscenterchina.com/


How can Motor Neuron Disease be Classified

How can Motor Neuron Disease be Classified
Clinically, according to whether the progressive degeneration affects lower motor neurons, upper motor neurons, or the both, or, whether it is sporadic or inherited, motor neuron disease can be classified as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), primary lateral sclerosis (PLS), progressive muscular atrophy (PMA), and the mixed form.
Depending on the type of motor neuron disease an individual experiences, the displaying symptoms and associated complications can be various, so does the severity of the condition.
Currently, throughout the world, there is yet no standard or specific cure for motor neuron disease, however, the stem cell transplantation, an advanced biomedical approach described as a revolutionary therapy for motor neuron disease, can tremendously control the condition.

For more details about motor neuron disease and its treatment, please send E-mail to stemcellcenter@hotmail.com, or visit http://www.cellscenterchina.com/.


The Causes of Pain and Discomfort in Motor Neuron Disease

For individuals with motor neuron disease, most of them will experience pain and discomfort triggered by the disease, such as complications of muscle stiffness, weakness, and immobility. By now, specific causes of pain and discomfort in motor neuron disease are still not be identified, but though several decades of research and clinical observations and treatments, we have found some common ones, including:
Impaired circulation
Muscle cramps
Shoulder joint damage during assisted transfers
Dependent oedema
Passive injury to joints when related controlling muscles are weak
Maintain spinal posture and loss of muscular control to stabilize large joints
Right now, all over the global, there is no cure for motor neuron disease; however, the stem cell treatment can significantly prevent the condition from worsening, or even improve the condition in a way.

For more details about motor neuron disease and its treatment, please send E-mail to stemcellcenter@hotmail.com, or visit http://www.cellscenterchina.com/


Possible Causes of Motor Neuron Disease

Possible Causes of Motor Neuron Disease
Currently, the international medical community still has not figured out completely what cause motor neuron disease, but through decades of research and clinical observations, it has identified some possible causes of motor neuron disease, including:
Cell disruption
Glia cells
Toxic waste
Lack of nutrients
With the research to motor neuron disease goes to deeper, I believe more and more causes of motor neuron disease will be identified in the future.
At present, all over the world, motor neuron disease can’t be cured; however, the stem cell transplantation, an medical approach based on the unique features of stem cells, or the mother cells of human body called by the international medical community, can tremendously manage the symptoms and associated complications to improve the overall condition fundamentally in a way.

For more details about motor neuron disease and its treatment, please send E-mail to stemcellcenter@hotmail.com, or visit http://www.cellscenterchina.com/.