
Advantages of Stem Cell Treatment

Stem cell treatment is a kind of cells regeneration, which has been proved effective for many diseases, like CP, TBI, SCI, MND, ALS, liver cirrhosis and so on. What are the advantages of stem cell treatment? Why is it the best option for central neural injuries and disorders? You will find the answers in the passage.
Advantages of Stem Cell Treatment
Multiple Functions and Wide Range of Treatment
stem cell treatment turns out effective for many diseases which is incurable in modern medicine. These diseases include central neural system injuries(cerebral palsy, sequelae of traumatic brain injury, sequelae of spinal cord injury), neurodegenerative diseases(motor neuron disease, ALS, MSA, cerebellar atrophy, stroke), and autoimmune disorders(liver cirrhosis, diabetes). These diseases cause a high mortality and disability rate before stem cell treatment appears, however, stem cells bring new hope for patients with the above diseases. This opens a new window for incurable diseases in modern medicine.
Highly Safe
In Cells Center China, we extract, process, culture, store and apply the stem cells strictly in compliance with FDA standard, so the quality of stem cells will be guarantee the top level.
There has been no report of patients who is observed to have any adverse or side effects after stem cell treatment in our 10 years clinical treatment. The procedure of stem cell injection in cells center china is a minimally invasive surgery, so compared with the side effects of medicines and risks of operations, it avoids many risks such as infection, bleeding and others. This is the most remarkable feature of advantages of stem cell treatment.
Instant and Long Lasting Effect
Once patients received stem cell injection, they may see improvement only few days, because as the central neural system is improved, patients will also get improved with their corresponding motor functions.
Stem cell injection for one course will last 6 to 10 months in Cells Center China, especially for central neural system injuries, the improvements will not reverse.
Abundant Source of Stem Cells
In Cells Center China, we mainly use the Umbilical cord blood stem cells and umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells, which are usually abandoned before. But now we can use them to save patients and these sources of stem cells will be unlimited.
Check more on FAQs for Stem Cell Treatment in Cells Center China (II).

Through these advantages of stem cell treatment, we can see stem cell treatment brings new hope for many incurable diseases, and we believe as it advances, more people will benefit, and more diseases will be cured with stem cells. Learn more to email us at stemcellprc@gmail.com

