
How Cerebral Palsy Results from Medical Malpractices

Cerebral palsy, abbreviated to CP, mainly takes place among children all over the world.
Generally speaking, for some individuals, they develop cerebral palsy naturally; however, some cases of cerebral palsy should have been easily avoided but take place unfortunately, for instance, some kind of medical malpractice on the certain part of the delivering doctor can lead to a baby develop cerebral palsy.
How cerebral palsy results from medical malpractices
Clinically, birth process errors generally include excessive use of forceps, overuse of vacuum extraction, and delayed cesarean section deliveries. In addition, other medical malpractice types include those which happen following the birth, such as failure to treat infection and seizures, failure to monitor and record the baby’s vital signs, failure to recognize and remove the umbilical cord from around the baby’s neck.
How cerebral palsy results from medical malpractices is an important question, and both the parents and doctors should pay great attention to it.
Currently, cerebral palsy can’t be cured completely, but are there any good treatments
Several available medical options can relieve and control the symptoms in a way; however, when you compare the long-term therapeutic effect of all, you always find that the stem cell therapy is your first choice.
The stem cell therapy, which greatly overcomes the disadvantages of conventional therapies, as well as depends on the remarkable characteristics of stem cells including the unique ability to differentiate into almost all types of cells under certain condition within a short period, specifically focuses on the replacement and repair of the damaged cells in the brain and spinal cord to restore or reconstruct their normal functions, fundamentally reversing the damage in human body.
In addition, the stem cells used in the treatment process are basically deprived from the patient himself/herself, so there is nothing to worry about problems including side effects and immunologic rejection.

For more details about how cerebral palsy results from medical malpractices and the stem cell therapy for cerebral palsy, please send E-mail to stemcellcenter@hotmail.com.

