
My 15 Years’ Ulcerative Colitis is Improved by Stem Cell Treatment

Patient name: Chen
Gender: male
Age: 43
Diagnosis: ulcerative colitis, gastrointestinal dysfunction, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Liver fluke sequelae.

Mr. Chen went to Cells Center China in April, 21st, 2013, because of alternate diarrhea and constipation for 15 years’ disease history. In order to find the potential cure for ulcerative colitis, he has been in many hospitals all over the country in the past 15 years , but few effects have been achieved. At last, he came to Cells Center China for the potential cure for ulcerative colitis --- stem cell treatment.
Before his first stem cell treatment, his condition include:
1. Persistent diarrhea, 3 to 10 times per day, accompanied with intermittent constipation.
2. Severe malnutrition and loss of weight caused by stool not forming and unable to absorb nutrients in the gut.
3. Gastrointestinal peristalsis reduces, which caused indigestion. Obvious flatulence occurs, especially severe at night, which leaded to severe shortage of sleep.
4. Liver area is painful obviously, which profoundly affects his life quality.
5. Low immunity makes him prone to being affected with diseases.

Our experts in Cells Center China performed Intravenous Infusion and Vascular Intervention Infusion of stem cells in the first course of stem cell treatment. Stem cell treatment turns out the potential cure for ulcerative colitis. His improvement after the first course of stem cell treatment include:
1. Diarrhea is improved and now is 1 to 2 times per day.
2. His stool is formed, and have better appetite and increased body weight due to better gastrointestinal absorption function.
3. Flatulence and sleeping quality are improved obviously.
4. the pain in liver area is improved, which allows him work well.
5. His immunity is improved significantly.

Seeing these remarkable improvements, Mr. Chen believed stem cell treatment is the potential cure for ulcerative colitis. In November, 2nd, 2013, he decided to receive the second course of stem cell treatment, and he got better improvements, including:
1. Diarrhea is significantly improved and his stool is formed.
2. His gastrointestinal peristalsis increases, which helps digest food in the intestines.
3. His gastrointestinal function is improved significantly, which promotes the effects of some medicines. Most medicines failed working before the stem cell injection.
4. His gastrointestinal function remains almost normal when he keep away from stimulus food, such as tea, wine and coffee.
5. The sprit status is good and life quality is significantly improved.
If you have the similar symptoms with Mr. Chen, we’d like to advise you to receive stem cell treatment ---- the potential cure for ulcerative colitis, send me E-mail at stemcellprc@gmail.com.

