
Current Status of Stem Cell Treatment for Cerebral Palsy

A great breakthrough of cell regeneration medicine has been achieved in Cells Center China---stem cell treatment for CP. Now let's explore the current status of stem cell treatment for Cerebral Palsy in Cells Center China.
As we have known, Cerebral Palsy is caused by the central neural system damages in some areas of the brain, which results in motor dysfunction, like speaking, walking problems, increased muscle tone, etc,. Routine therapies, like medicine, physiotherapy, and surgery, can't help.
The research has been proved that transplanting stem cells into the brain could support and/or replace deteriorating brain tissue during the process of white matter damage in cerebral palsy. As the neural circuit is restored and neural conduction is improved, the motor dysfunctions of patients with Cerebral Palsy will get significantly improved as well as their mental developmental delay.
The current status of stem cell treatment for Cerebral Palsy in Cells Center China represents the top level of stem cell treatment. Cells Center China is the first stem cell research and treatment center in the world. It's the Cells Therapy Department of General Hospital of Chinese People's Armed Police Forces, which is a 3A (top level) state-owned military hospital in China. With the official approval and financial support of Chinese Government, Cells Center China is established in 2004, and started stem cell treatment for Cerebral Palsy since then. It has the top medical team, most of the doctors are postdoctors, doctors of medicine.
Cells Center China established the largest stem cell laboratory in Asia. Many patients wonders whether our hospital has branch in other countries, the answer is positive, because we can't move so many top medical staff and establish the same large stem cell laboratory in other countries. Besides, we are a military hospital, whose guideline is to service for people. We are planning to benefit more international patients from our stem cell treatment, especially for children with cerebral palsy. We believe the stem cell treatment for Cerebral Palsy in Cells Center China has the hope for them.

The above is the current status of stem cell treatment for Cerebral Palsy in Cells Center China.


What is The Long-term Outlook for Children with CP

Children with cerebral palsy may suffer from some motor and mental developmental retardation, increased muscle tone, motor dysfunctions, and so on. What is the long-term outlook for Children with CP? Parents may be worried about this issue. Now we are gonna talk about the different outlook for Children with CP based on different treatment.
As we have known, there is no cure for CP, so parents have to choose effective treatments for their children to improve the symptoms and make them live more comfortably and independently. Different treatments promise different prognosis for the children with CP.
Currently, there are several treatments for CP, like rehabilitation, medicine, acupuncture and others. All of the mentioned routine therapies aim at relieving the symptoms and associated complications of the patients and help them adapt to the society and live daily life normally.
What is the long-term outlook for Children with CP?
Now let’s compare these treatments in the effect. Although the rehabilitation training shows some effects on the myodystonia and walking and speaking functions, it can’t cure CP from the rooted cause, because cerebral palsy is caused by the central neural system injuries in the brain, which can be shown on the MRI of the children. The outside stimulations and training can only improve patients’ muscle memory, while their brain injuries remain same.
What’s the Best Treatment for Infantile Cerebral Palsy?
Stem cell treatment is proved to be the most advanced and effective therapy for children with CP. Stem cell treatment is a great breakthrough of regeneration medicine(cells regeneration), which is the best option for central neural system injuries, like cerebral palsy.
The stem cell treatment focuses on the replacement or repair of those injured neural cells in the brain and spinal cord to regain or rebuild the normal neural conductions which have been damaged or lost. After stem cell treatment, children with CP will get a significant improvements with their motor and mental impairment. Stem cells promise a better and long-term outlook for children with cerebral palsy.
If you want more about stem cell treatment for cerebral palsy, please email us at stemcellprc@outlook.com.


Breakthrough for Motor Neuron Disease Treatment

An encouraging news of breakthrough for motor neuron disease treatment makes researchers and doctors believe we are approaching the cure for motor neuron disease, and stem cell treatment, as the most advanced therapy for MND currently is the most promising cure for MND.
A discovery that stem cells show effective for MND patients has been found and applied in clinical treatment in Cells Center China. The study used a patient's skin cells to create motor neurons -- nerve cells that control muscle activity -- and the cells that support them called astrocytes.
Cells Center China is the first stem cell research and treatment center in the world. It has started stem cell research and treatment d in 2004, with the approval and support by headquarters of Chinese Armed Police Forces and Chinese Government, which represents the top research and treatment level in China and advanced in the world. In the past 10 years, they found stem cell treatment for motor neuron disease is the breakthrough for motor neuron disease treatment.
Stem cell treatment turns out very effective for patients with MND in clinical treatment and follow-up of Cells Center China. The motor neurons in the spinal cord and the brainstem directly communicate with skeletal muscle fibers through the neurotransmitter acetylcholine at the neuromuscular junctions. Once the specialized synapses die or is lost, patients will gradually lose the muscle control ability, then motor neuron disease occurs.
Stem cells, as the breakthrough for motor neuron disease treatment, can repair and replace these damaged motor neuron cells, rebuild the neural circuit, secrete the cell growth factors and neurotrophic factors, which nourish and activate the injured cells and endogenous neural stem cells. This is beneficial for cells repairment.
In Cells Center China, we have successfully treated more than 7,700 patients from more than 30 countries with a high effective rate of 94%. Among them, 200 cases are MND patients, whose life quality and life span are greatly improved after stem cell treatment.

We believe stem cell treatment, as the breakthrough for motor neuron disease treatment, will be the cure for motor neuron disease as the advance of medicine. If you want more information about the stem cell treatment, please email us at stemcellprc@outlook.com, we are going to give you best suggestions.


Cerebral Palsy Treatment in China

A great breakthrough of regeneration medicine--stem cell treatment for cerebral palsy--has been available in China, which turns out the best cerebral palsy treatment in China and in the world.
stem cell treatment for cerebral palsy is a kind of cell regeneration, which treats CP through repairing the central neural system injuries in the brain, so that the children with CP will get the best improvements with their motor dysfunctions, such as increased muscle tone, walking difficulty, speaking problems, spastic paraplegia, poor fine motor, as well as poor strength with muscles and small range of motors.
Compared with routine Cerebral Palsy Treatment in China, stem cells can cross directly the brain-blood barrier and differentiate into new neural cells to repair the injured neural tissues and cells in the brain to improve motor dysfunctions.
Cells Center China is the first stem cell research and treatment center in the world, which is supported financially and technologically by Chinese government and represents the top stem cell research and treatment level in China and advanced in the world.
There are 3 main functions of stem cells in clinical observation in Cells Center China.
1. Regenerating, repairing and replacing the injured cells, rebuilding the neural circuit.
2. Secreting the cells growth factors and neurotrophic factors, which nourish and activate the injured cells and endogenous neural stem cells. This is beneficial for cells repairment.
3. Repairing the injured myelin sheath, which maintains the complete of nerve fiber, and restore the normal neural conduction.
In Cells Center China, stem cell treatment has been applied in clinic for nearly 10 years, and more than 7,700 patients with central neural injuries and autoimmune disorders benefited from it, among which, more than 3,000 cases are CP patients. Therefore, stem cell treatment proves the best Cerebral Palsy Treatment in China.
The link is some videos on the YouTube to show the comparison before and after stem cell treatment in Cells Center China for children with CP.
You can also visit my page on Facebook to check our hospital, I think you may find more. Please search“Stem Cell Research Center, China”(an image of medical researcher).

If you want more details about stem cell treatment and Cerebral Palsy Treatment in China, please email us at stemcellprc@outlook.com


The Best Therapy for ALS

What's ALS
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a progressive degeneration of nerve cells that control muscle movements. What's the best therapy for ALS? Is there a cure for ALS? Let's figure it out.
Symptoms of ALS
ALS is a progressive disease, in the very beginning, it can hardly be detectable. As it progresses, some symptoms of involuntary movements dysfunctions may occur in succession, including:
1. Arms and legs may lose strength and coordination.
2. Feet and ankles may become weak.
3. General fatigue may develop
4. Muscles in the arms, shoulders and tongue may cramp or twitch.
5. Swallowing, speaking and breathing may become difficult.
Routine treatment for ALS
What's the best therapy for ALS? There is no identified cure for ALS currently, but treatments may relieve the symptoms. Riluzole is the first and only drug to be licensed for the treatment of MND. But it is not a cure for ALS, although it is the only medicine which has a modest impact on survival for people with ALS.
Stem Cell Treatment for ALS
What's the best therapy for ALS? Stem cell treatment for ALS has been proved to be the most advanced and effective therapy for ALS. As a breakthrough of regeneration medicine (cell regeneration), stem cell treatment can differentiate into the new neuron cells to repair and replace the injured motor neuron cells, which brings hope to ALS patients.
After stem cell treatment, the affected motor functions of the patient may get improved at different levels, besides the life quality of patients will be improved and the progression will be delayed. Therefore, stem cell treatment is thought to be the most promising therapy for ALS, and we believe stem cell treatment will cure ALS in the coming future.
Best Center for ALS Treatment
What's the best therapy for ALS? Cells Center China is the first stem cell center in the world. As the top state-owned military hospital in China, it started stem cell research and treatment in 2004, and have performed many influential clinical trails that have been authorized by FDA and WHO. More than 7,700 patients have been benefited from stem cell treatment, among which, more than 200 cases are ALS patients.
Successful Cases
The Chinese Stephen Hawking --- Wang Jia's Story may tell you the remarkable effect of stem cells.

What's the best therapy for ALS? If you want to learn more about stem cell treatment in Cells Center China, please email us at stemcellprc@gmail.com.


Advantages of Stem Cell Treatment

Stem cell treatment is a kind of cells regeneration, which has been proved effective for many diseases, like CP, TBI, SCI, MND, ALS, liver cirrhosis and so on. What are the advantages of stem cell treatment? Why is it the best option for central neural injuries and disorders? You will find the answers in the passage.
Advantages of Stem Cell Treatment
Multiple Functions and Wide Range of Treatment
stem cell treatment turns out effective for many diseases which is incurable in modern medicine. These diseases include central neural system injuries(cerebral palsy, sequelae of traumatic brain injury, sequelae of spinal cord injury), neurodegenerative diseases(motor neuron disease, ALS, MSA, cerebellar atrophy, stroke), and autoimmune disorders(liver cirrhosis, diabetes). These diseases cause a high mortality and disability rate before stem cell treatment appears, however, stem cells bring new hope for patients with the above diseases. This opens a new window for incurable diseases in modern medicine.
Highly Safe
In Cells Center China, we extract, process, culture, store and apply the stem cells strictly in compliance with FDA standard, so the quality of stem cells will be guarantee the top level.
There has been no report of patients who is observed to have any adverse or side effects after stem cell treatment in our 10 years clinical treatment. The procedure of stem cell injection in cells center china is a minimally invasive surgery, so compared with the side effects of medicines and risks of operations, it avoids many risks such as infection, bleeding and others. This is the most remarkable feature of advantages of stem cell treatment.
Instant and Long Lasting Effect
Once patients received stem cell injection, they may see improvement only few days, because as the central neural system is improved, patients will also get improved with their corresponding motor functions.
Stem cell injection for one course will last 6 to 10 months in Cells Center China, especially for central neural system injuries, the improvements will not reverse.
Abundant Source of Stem Cells
In Cells Center China, we mainly use the Umbilical cord blood stem cells and umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells, which are usually abandoned before. But now we can use them to save patients and these sources of stem cells will be unlimited.
Check more on FAQs for Stem Cell Treatment in Cells Center China (II).

Through these advantages of stem cell treatment, we can see stem cell treatment brings new hope for many incurable diseases, and we believe as it advances, more people will benefit, and more diseases will be cured with stem cells. Learn more to email us at stemcellprc@gmail.com