
Motor Neuron Disease is Never the Death Sentence

Motor Neuron Disease is never the Death Sentence
Motor Neuron Disease is never the Death Sentence
Motor neuron disease, or MND, is very horrible disease, particularly for those affected individuals, in their eyes, MND means the "final destination". However, motor neuron disease is never the death sentence. 
Why MND means a Death Sentence? 
Many patients with MND may lose their walking, standing, speaking, and swallowing functions, even breathing function will be affected. It may deteriorate fast, and the patients may only survive for 3 to 5 years after diagnosis. Since there is still no cure for MND, most patients lose hope for their lives. 
Is the situation so desperate right now? 
Of course not, motor neuron disease is never the death sentence. Although MND is still incurable right now, we can still use the best available therapy for motor neuron disease to manage the condition and prolong the life span, as well as improve the quality of life. That is stem cell therapy. 
The stem cell therapy, the most advanced therapy for motor neuron disease right now, can significantly reverse the condition. It has been applied in clinical treatment in Cells Center China for 10 years, and more than 10,000 patients benefited from it, among which, more than 200 are MND cases. The efficiency rate is more than 90%. Therefore we say motor neuron disease is never the death sentence. 
Will you give it a try? 
For more details about the stem cell treating motor neuron disease, please E-mail us at stemcellprc@outlook.com to consult Dr. Patrick for more professional medical suggestions.

