
Daily Nursing for Patients with Spinal Cord Injury

TCM Rehabilitation Center 
Although stem cell treatment for spinal cord injury shows good effects in clinical practices, I’d like to share some tips for daily nursing for patients with spinal cord injury who need scientific and conscientious nursing.
1. psychological nursing
Encourage patients to overcome the disease and keep optimistic, which is helpful for their recovery.
2. skin nursing
Turn over the patient body every 2 hours, keeping the skin dry and clean; patients with cervical vertebra injury or long-term bed-ridden patients need to be turned over with their whole bodies, in case of turning their heads.
3. urinary system nursing
Remain indwelling catheter to keep urinary tract clear.
4. defecation system nursing
Keep the habit of defecating at the same time everyday and the frequency of defecating once every 1 to 2 days. Clean timely the faeces if patients are unable to control their defecating function, in case of pressure sores.
5. digestive system nursing
Keep a regular and healthy diet, especially free of drinking ice beer, which is important in daily nursing for patients with spinal cord injury.
6. autonomic nerve function
Patients with cervical vertebra injury and its sequela quadriplegic may have autonomic nerve hyperreflexia, with the symptoms of headache, excessive perspiration, out of breath, erubescence, tachycardia or bradycardia, and raised blood pressure.
i. Find out and eliminate the incentives: check whether the bladder is full, catheter is clear, local infection occurs or uncomfortable orthosis and then solve all the problems.
ii. Sit straight to decrease cardiac output by assembling venous blood in the lower body
iii. Reduce blood press, or go to hospital if necessary. This is an important principle in daily nursing for patients with spinal cord injury.
7. motor function nursing
Exercise the joints of patients, especially below the paralyzed place twice everyday, and last 1 to 2 minutes each time.
8. diet nutrition nursing
Keep a balanced and nutrient diet. Take more vegetables, vitamin C, polyphenols, folic acid, carotene, which are helpful to skin protection.
Usually, after stem cell treatment for spinal cord injury, we will arrange patients to receive a TCM rehabilitation and regulation, which will be helpful to recover their motor function. In our TCM Rehabilitation Center, patients will receive overall traditional Chinese medical regulation and function training, which promotes the effect of stem cell treatment and balance of human body. Anyway our TCM Rehabilitation Center will provide a more professional daily nursing for patients with spinal cord injury.

Through the A+B mode of our stem cell center, patients can not only receive an effective stem cell treatment for spinal cord injury, but also get a systemic regulation of their bodies, which promises a perfect prognosis for patients with spinal cord injury.

