
New Treatment for Alcoholic Cirrhosis: Stem Cell Treatment

In recent years, alcoholic cirrhosis has been markedly increased as the second big killer as liver diseases. Stem cell treatment for alcoholic cirrhosis turns out more effective than traditional treatments.
Alcoholic cirrhosis, as a type of portal cirrhosis, is caused by heavy drinking of wine for a long time, which is the last stage of alcoholic liver diseases.
Long-term and heavy drinking of wine, especial high degree wine, may cause fatty degeneration, necrosis and reborn, which finally lead to cirrhosis. Alcoholic cirrhosis is closely associated with drinking ways, gender, heredity factor, nutriture and hepatitis virus infection.
Usually, heavy drinking for one time is more harmful than drinking little once but for many times. Women are more prone to get cirrhosis than man. Malnutrition, protein deficiency and merge of hepatitis B & C virus are risky factors to increase the chance of cirrhosis. Alcoholic liver disease has 3 step based on severity: alcoholic fatty liver, alcoholic hepatitis and alcoholic cirrhosis. Sometimes, they may occur at the same time. Generally speaking, 80 gram wine intaking per day for 10 years can lead to alcoholic cirrhosis.
The traditional treatment can’t prevent the progression of alcoholic cirrhosis, and have an expensive cost and long duration, which makes patients and their families suffer a lot.
Now, General Hospital of Armed Police Forces, China applies stem cell treatment for alcoholic cirrhosis, which achieves good success. In the below, I will introduce the curative effect through comparison of alcoholic cirrhosis patients before and after stem cell treatment.
Patient name: Chang
Description of disease: drinking wine for 30 years, 500-1000 ml/d. Chang started diarrhea without any inducement in December, 2012, 2 to 3 times/d, loose stools, lacking in strength sometimes, abdominal distension. B ultrasonic and reinforced CT shows that cirrhosis, slightly bigger spleen, ascites. Then patient received abdominocentesis to drain the ascites for many times, and it relieved and relapsed.
Through expert consultation, a stem cell treatment is decided to carry out.
Before the first stem cell treatment course:
1. Gloomy complexion, tired and lack of strength, poor appetite and sleeping
2. indwelling drainage tube, which lets out ascites about 1000 mg
3. Blood routine examination: albumin 34.6 g/L (normal value 35-55), TBPA 0.12g/L (normal value 0.20-0.40)
In July, 2013, patient received the second course for stem cell treatment.
Before the second stem cell treatment course:
1. flushing complexion, tiredness and lack of strength disappeared, good appetite, gain weight 5 kilogram, good sleeping quality
2. indwelling drainage tube is removed
3. Blood routine examination: albumin 36.2 g/L (normal value 35-55), TBPA 0.19g/L (normal value 0.20-0.40)

Clinical practices prove that stem cell treatment for alcoholic cirrhosis can effectively inhibit the progression of alcoholic cirrhosis, which is thought to be the potential cure for alcoholic cirrhosis.

