
What Factors Affect Cerebral Palsy Life Expectancy

Quite a lot of people believe that cerebral palsy is just a signal condition which does not deteriorate over time; however, in fact, cerebral palsy can also trigger a more serious problem-----shortened life expectancy.
What factors affect cerebral palsy life expectancy
In daily life, despite some people with cerebral palsy can enjoy a normal lifespan; there are still some factors which may make life expectancy much shorter than normal. According to the related medical research, those factors include the severity of the mobility, condition, complications and related health problems such as seizure disorders. In addition, the type of cerebral palsy also plays a major role in cerebral palsy life expectancy.
For an individual with cerebral palsy, knowing what factors affect cerebral palsy life expectancy can never be enough, the cure, or at least a proper treatment is the key.
Is there a cure for cerebral palsy
At present, cerebral palsy is still incurable throughout the global; however, several available medical options, particularly the stem cell therapy, a revolutionary therapy for cerebral palsy, can fundamentally intervene in the condition to give patients a new chance to live relatively normally.
The stem cell therapy, which substantially utilizes the amazing characteristics of stem cells such as the unique abilities to differentiate into any certain type of cells within a short time, specifically focuses on reversing the damage to restore the normal functions of those impaired tissues by the repair and replacement of the damaged cells.
Clinically, the stem cell therapy has made a great success in treating a wide range of incurable diseases and disorders such as motor neuron disease, cerebral palsy, Parkinson’s Disease etc because of its remarkable long-term therapeutic effect.
No need to worry about issues such as immunological rejection as the stem cells used in the clinical treatment are generally acquired from the patients themselves.

For more details about what factors affect cerebral palsy life expectancy and the stem cell therapy for cerebral palsy, please send E-mail to stemcellcenter@hotmail.com.

