
How Stem Cell Treatment Makes A Totally Paralyzed Young Man Stand Up Again

In September, 2007, Xiao Dong’s families witnessed a miracle of his that he stand up again after one and half years’ high paraplegia. Stem cell treatment is the best treatment for spinal cord injury. They are so excited and happy with the miraculous effect of stem cells.
The closest distance with death
In 2006, 25-year-old Xiao Dong was badly injured by collapsed bricks when he was working. Although the immediate surgery saved his life, he was totally paralyzed due to fracture of cervical vertebrae and skull injury. His muscle of the whole body started atrophy obviously, his sensory level is below his neck, he couldn't feel and move any part of his body below his neck. Besides, he was always in fever due to difficulty in sweating.
A creation for his treatment
In July, 2006, 2 months after his accident, he was taken to Cells Center China for stem cell treatment, the last hope and the best treatment for spinal cord injury in his parents’ eyes. Dr. An and his experts analysed and discussed Xiao Dong’s condition very carefully. They found the conventional lumbar puncture injection couldn’t be performed for him due to the vertebral canal block caused by comminuted fracture of C3 -- C7. The stem cells couldn’t travel in the cerebral spinal fluid to these injured places. After discussion, Dr. An decided to start from the injured cerebral vertebra and clear the blocked vertebral canal. They transplante 4 units of stem cells to the 2 ends of injured spinal cord.
Great improvements after stem cell treatment
The surgery was very successful, and Xiao Dong’s body was improving gradually. Stem cell treatment turned out the best treatment for spinal cord injury.
On the 16th day after the treatment, his tendon could contract, and he could turn over his his hands. His sensory level moved down 2 cm below his arch of rib, his actile level and sweating level moved down 2 cm below navel.
On the 44th day after the treatment, his muscle brcame strong, and his wrist became flexible, which allowed him to lift 2 kg dumbbell for 40 to 50 times. Besides, his pain level moved down 2 cm below his arch of rib, his actile level moved down to anterior superior iliac spine and his sweating level moved down to his hips.
In May, 2007, after about ten month’s tissue repair period, Xiao Dong came back to Cells Center China as scheduled. During this period, he was improved that he could control urination and defecation. In the second course of stem cell treatment, Dr. An designed a new treatment for Xiao Dong, frontal injection (a kind of Stereotactic Brain Injection) and lumbar puncture. It helped a lot restore the spinal neural structure and neural function. The new treatment showed perfect effect, and Xiao Dong was improved significantly. He could not only push horizontally 20 kg, his atrophic bladder was improved as well. Besides, his perspiration function was restored, and his erectile function of reproductive organ was recobered. The most surprising thing is he could stand for 1 hour with the help of crutch. The truth proves that stem cell treatment is the best treatment for spinal cord injury.
How stem cell treatment works

According to Dr. An’s introduction, the transplanted stem cells can differentiate into new neurons and gliocytes, secrete multiple neurotrophic factors, improve local microenvironment of brain and spinal cord, which push the injured cells to repair itself, fill the defects of neural network, rebuild the neural network and restore neural function. That’s why stem cell treatment is the best treatment for spinal cord injury. 
Want more about stem cell treatment, please email us at stemcellprc@gmail.com

