
Stem Cell Treatment Wakes Up Our Angels

In October, 2008, there are 2 familiar but strange patients visiting our Stem Cell Center China  and they are 2 Malaysia CP girls who received stem cell treatment in our center. The reason why they are strange is there are something changed in them.

Yuan is 5 years old and Tong is 6 years old, who suffered from severe cerebral palsy. They didn’t communicate with outside world, and didn’t response to stimulation from outside world. They never understand why their mums feel sad while they are smiling.
However, their parents loved them so much and want to pay everything for their health. Fortunately, they heard of Stem Cell Center China in a Malaysia CP group, and many parents who benefited from stem cell treatment for their children recommended them to receive stem cell treatment for cerebral palsy. They are determined to "wake up" their children with stem cell treatment.
Both Yuan and Tong’s mother were Buddhists. Every time the treatment finished, they would play some Buddhism songs for their kids, and they thought it could purify their kids’ hearts. Beyond their expectation, miracle happened. Yuan and Tong were getting improved better and better in their reaction, motor, recognition and speech ability after a course of stem cell treatment for cerebral palsy. They could response to families’ calling, and express their yes or no, happy or sad. Besides, their strength in waist increased, and their eyesight is not dull anymore. They even could walk with the help of walker rather than only lying. Yuan’s upper limbs are more flexible than before, and she could grasp biscuit for herself while he always hurt herself by uncontrolled movements. Seeing these obvious and significant improvements, both their mothers cried with smile.
This was the second time for them to receive stem cell treatment for cerebral palsy, and they were more confident.
One year passed, our following-up shows that Yuan and Tong’s conditions get more improved than before after the last treatment. They said thanks to Stem Cell Center China and stem cell treatment wakes up their angels.

The following-up shows Yuan and Tong get more improved than before after the 2nd treatment. They said it’s stem cell treatment that wakes up their angels.

If you want more information about stem cell treatment for cerebral palsy and  Stem Cell Center China, please email us at stemcellprc@gmail.com

