
Best Treatment for UC (ulcerative colitis)

Ulcerative colitis (UC) is an inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) that causes long-lasting inflammation in part of your digestive tract. I’d like to introduce the best treatment for ulcerative colitis here---the stem cell transplantation treatment.
Stem cell transplantation treatment turns out effective in clinical treatment for ulcerative colitis. May the case will tell you its miraculous effect.
Patient name: Xu
Gender: female
Age: 45
Lady Xu has suffered from ulcerative colitis for more than 5 years. In the past 5 years, she was always from alternative constipation and loose stools. When constipation flared up, she could only defecate once every 4~5 days, and needed help of enema because the stools are dry and hard. Every time she took some cold or raw food, she would defecate loose stools 5~7 times each day. And abdominal pain occurred accompanied.
Conventional Treatments Failed
She has tried many conventional treatments, such as anti-diarrheal drugs, invigorating-stomach drugs, Chinese herb medicine and hormonotherapy. She went to many hospitals, including Shanghai Changzheng Hospital, Peking Union Medical College Hospital, and it showed little effect.
Getting Worse due to Delay
Since last year, she felt worse with his disease, and swelling, pain and restricted movement occurred in her left knees.
Best Treatment for Ulcerative Colitis
In October, 2012, Ms Xu came to our stem cell center for the first course of stem cell treatment, the comparison before and after her stem cell treatment is as below:
Before stem cell treatment
  1. She was thin, has poor sleeping quality and neurasthenia.
  2. She had poor appetite and slow digestion function
  3. She experienced diarrhea within blood frequently. Constipation occurred sometimes.
  4. Dry skin and desquamation.
  5. Swelling and tenderness in his left knee joint, which made her only walk for 10 meters.
  After stem cell treatment
  1. Her weight increased 5 kg, and his sleeping quality and neurasthenia improved.
  2. She has good appetite, and digestive ability. Eat more.
  3. Diarrhea within blood disappeared and constipation was improved.
  4. Desquamation of skin was improved.
  5. Swelling and tenderness in his left knee joint were improved and she could walk freely.
  Ms Xu was very satisfied with her effect, and she decided to make the second course of stem cell treatment half year later, she said it was the best treatment for ulcerative colitis she had ever experienced.

If you are also interested in stem cell treatment, just feel free to send your conditions to our E-mail: stemcellprc@gmail.com, we'd like to give you best suggestions.

