
Stem Cell Treatment Wakes Up My 15-Years Dead Legs

Stem Cell Treatment for spinal cord injury is a huge project in China and internationally, however it helps ordinary people. Sometimes it’s thought as the potential cure for spinal cord injury due to its remarkable effect on SCI.
Wang Yu is an ordinary migrant labor in a city, who came from a poor countryside of Sichuan province, China. But his faith to live and strong character touched many people.
Accident destroy his family
In 1995, 20 year-old Wang Yu came to Panyu, Guangdong province and worked in a construction site. Unfortunately, he fell down from 9 meters high. He lost feeling below his navel and couldn’t move both his lower limbs at that time. Besides, gatism occurred. He was sent to local hospital and diagnosed as T-12 comminuted fracture and spinal cord injury in the affected section.
Wang Yu was sent to many big hospitals in Chengdu and Chongqing city and received 8 surgeries successively, but it turned ineffective. He still couldn’t stand and walk, and his gatism continued.
A great will of ordinary worker
What was worse, Wang Yu was affected with ischial tuberosity osteomyelitis and muscle atrophy in both his legs, as well as hip fester due to wrong home care. The lower part of his body turned nearly paralysis. Because of fibrosis of spinal cord, gatism, muscle atrophy in lower part, his nerve and muscle tissue is dying and his scaring increased the risks for infection. Therefore, at his last moment, Wang Yu decided to make a last will: body donation in September, 2010.
The last hope
At that moment, a science program in China central television advocated that stem cell treatment for spinal cord injury turns out miraculously effective in clinic. Wang Yu saw his last hope for life, and he contacted the 301 hospital of PLA and 463 hospital of PLA. The reply is yes, but the cost is too expensive. Wang Yu lost his last hope, because he couldn’t afford the expensive stem cell treatment. His family was poor as a church mouse for the past years’ treatment.
15-Years Dead Legs awaken by Stem cell center
Half year passed, Wang Yu was recommended to stem cell center of General Hospital of Armed Police Forces, China, which is famous for its effect and reputation in stem cell treatment for spinal cord injury. In March, 2011, Wang Yu was carried by his father to our center. Understanding his condition, Dr. Yi-Hua An decided make stem cell treatment for him and cut off much of his treatment fee.
Only one course of treatment, he was improved obviously. His lower limbs are more sensitive and powerful than before, and he can walk alone for 20 to 30 meters. He can also have feeling when excrement, and better control on urinating.
In August, 2013, Wang Yu came to our center and received the second course of Stem Cell Treatment for spinal cord injury, and it turned better and better. The ischial tuberosity osteomyelitis disappeared, and he can walk alone with crutches.

Wang Yu and his family was so happy, he said it’s miracle that stem cell treatment wakes up his 15-year dead legs and he can take care of himself now, which decreased much burden of his family. Then Wang Yu passed the entrance exam of a university majoring in computer and promised to devote himself to society.

